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从今年1月5日起,襄垣县质监局根据县委先进性教育领导小组的 安排,深入开展了保持共产党员先进性教育活动。通过三个阶段的工 作,全局党员立足岗位、爱岗敬业,很好地发挥了党员的先锋模范作用。 现就结合质监工作的实际,谈一谈我对永葆党员先进性的认识。 首先,永葆党员先进性。要增强学习意识。 一要认真学习理论知识。时刻用邓小平理论和”三个代表”重要思 想武装自己的头脑,进一步坚定共产主义理想,提高政治敏锐性,始终 与党中央保持高度一致。二要学习业务知识。随着质监工作职能的增 多,监管范围的扩大,质监工作肩负的责任越来越大,新的形势、新的任 务要求我们的业务水平必须与时俱进。因此,只有不断地、自觉地、积极 地学习新的业务知识,才能跟上质监事业发展的步伐。三要学习社会知 识。因为质监事业与社会方方面面联系广泛,许多工作需要社会方方面 面的理解、支持与配合,因此,要想使质监工作在社会这个大舞台上良 好运行,必须要求每个质监人员全面深入地学习社会知识,从中了解社 会,这样在工作中才能做到有的放矢,游刃有余。 From January 5 this year, Xiangyuan County Bureau of Quality Supervision under the county advanced education leading group arrangements, in-depth education to maintain the advanced nature of party members. Through the three phases of work, the overall membership of the party has given full play to its vanguard and exemplary role based on their posts and their dedication and dedication. On the basis of the actual work of quality supervision, let me talk about my understanding of keeping the advanced nature of our party members forever. First of all, keep the advanced nature of party members forever. To enhance the sense of learning. First, we must seriously study the theoretical knowledge. At all times, we must arm ourselves with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ further strengthen our communist ideal and enhance political acumen, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Central Party Committee. Second, to learn business knowledge. With the increase of quality supervision work functions, the expansion of supervision scope and the increasing responsibility of quality supervision work, the new situation and new tasks require that our business level must keep pace with the times. Therefore, only by continuously, consciously and actively learning new business knowledge can we keep up with the development of quality supervision. Third, we must learn social knowledge. Because of the extensive links between the quality supervision agency and all aspects of society, many tasks require the understanding, support and cooperation from all aspects of society. Therefore, in order to make quality supervision work well in this big arena of society, it is necessary to require every quality supervision personnel to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study Social knowledge, understanding of society, so that work can be targeted, ease.
公用事业(public utilities)是现代社会事关公众基本生活质量并反映社会进步的行业.公用事业的运营如何既保障良好的社会效益又保障经济效益?在深化体制改革、转变政府职能的
2019年8月20日下午,在平湖市年初人代会的同一个会场,260多名市人大代表又聚集在一起,听取政府半年度工作报告,了解人大、法院、检察院半年度工作情况。此情此景,犹如一次“年中人代会”。  半年度工作情况报告会,是平湖市人大常委会组织全体代表在闭会期间开展的一次集体履职活动,是常委会给监督工作加码的一项创新举措,更是“一府两院”年度目标完成情况的“期中考”。聚焦目标,盯牢进度  当天下午2点不到
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在现代建筑工程中,钻孔灌注桩基础具有很高的普遍性,它对地质状况的适应性极强,因此大、中、小型桥梁均可使用。  在混凝土灌注的过程中,其水下混凝土灌注是成桩的关键工序,我们知道地下水温和地质情况是非常复杂的,加上施工的机械、人员配合等不确定因素较多,因此极易发生导管进水、卡管、坍孔、钢筋笼上升等事故。这就要求整个灌注过程要分工明确、密切配合、统一指挥、做到快速、连续,并采取相应的预防和处理措施。  