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叙述学是文学的结构主义的集中体现,它是由俄国形式主义,特别是其中普罗普的理论以及列维-斯特劳斯的结构人类学演化而来。法国叙述学的叙事结构研究,有着三个明显的展开方向:长期从事民间文学研究的布雷蒙是这一研究主要仍然是在文学范围中的代表,托多罗夫十分典型地代表了过于向着语言学方向展开的一支,格雷马斯在将符号学引入叙事结构分析上颇为著名。他们的研究由于运用了大量的语言学与符号学的概念,不仅繁琐,而且与文学明显疏离。借鉴法国叙述学的得失,并凭借于文学史与戏剧史的实际研究经验,我们可以明白,建立叙述学的所应取的正确思路共有六个要点,其中最重要的三项是:将叙述学纳入文体学中,即我们既要研究不同文体中叙述的特殊性,也要研究在小说叙事中不同体式之间的区别及其相互关系;建立叙述学,必须持这样一种结构观,体裁的分化、新体裁的兴起与发展、某一体裁内部类属与类型的产生及转换,这些都必须从社会化的消长兴衰中序化整合的角度去加以把握,才能将历史与结构统一起来;小说史的内在矛盾及其在不同的政治经济环境下的展开形式及其所形成的小说发展的路径,应该是叙述学中最为高屋建瓴的内容。 Narratology is the concentrated manifestation of the structuralist literature. It is evolved from Russian formalism, especially Proposed theory and the structural anthropology of Levi-Strauss. The study of the narrative structure of French narrative has three distinct directions: Breimon, who has been engaged in the study of folklore for a long time, is still largely represented in the field of literature. Todorov very typically represents too much emphasis on language As a part of his academic career, Greimas is famous for introducing semiotics into the analysis of narrative structure. Their research, due to the use of a large number of concepts of linguistics and semiotics, is tedious and alienated from literature. Draw lessons from the pros and cons of French narration, and by virtue of the actual research experience of literary and drama history, we can understand that there are six main points in establishing the proper way of thinking of narrative. The most important three are: Into stylistics, that is, we not only study the particularity of narratives in different styles, but also study the differences and interrelationships between different styles in the narratives of novels. To establish narration, we must hold the view of structure and genre Differentiation, the rise and development of a new genre, the emergence and transformation of genres and genres within a genre, all of which must be grasped from the perspective of the sequential integration of the rise and fall of socialization in order to unify history and structure; The inherent contradictions of history and its development in different political and economic environments and the path of the development of novels formed by it should be the contents of the most high-rise building in narrative studies.
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<正> 建国以来,党和国家一直都很重视青春期教育。早在一九六三年三月,周恩来总理就指示:医务工作者一定要把青春期的性卫生知识教给男、女青少年,让他们抱用科学的知识来保