八十年代初的沈阳卓长仁劫机案、二王案,震惊国内外。九十年代的第四个年头刚刚开始,在沈阳又发生一起枪杀盗窃东北虎的恶性大案,使人们又把焦灼的目光聚向东北重镇——沈阳。这是国内首例持枪盗杀东北虎的案件。 引子 沈阳市动物园是东北地区规模最大的动物保护、繁殖地。这里不仅有数千只珍贵的动物供游人观赏,而且还有国内外动物园中少见的大熊猫、东北虎、红顶鹤等濒临灭绝的稀有动物。 1993年2月9日晚8时,一辆辆拉响尖利警笛的警车,风驰电掣般奔向沈阳市东南方向的市动物园。市民们的直觉感到,又发生了什么案件。但谁也没想到,在
In the early eighties of Shenyang Zhuo long robbery case, the case of the second king, shocked both at home and abroad. In the fourth year of the nineties, a vicious crime of shooting and stealing the tiger tiger took place again in Shenyang, causing people to focus their anxious eyes on Shenyang, the northeastern city of China. This is the first case of a gun killing the Siberian tiger. Introduction Shenyang Zoo is the largest animal protection and breeding ground in Northeast China. Here not only thousands of precious animals for tourists to watch, but also rare in domestic and foreign zoo giant panda, tiger, red-crowned crane and other rare animals on the verge of extinction. On the evening of February 9, 1993, at 8 pm, a police car whistling sharp siren ran quickly toward the city zoo in southeast of Shenyang City. Citizens’ intuition felt what happened again. But no one thought, at