Robust Reconstruction of Block Sparse Signals from Adaptively One-Bit Measurements

来源 :电子学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nelly45
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Though various theoretical results and algorithms have been proposed in one-bit Compressed sensing (1-bit CS),there are few studies on more structured signals,such as block sparse signals.We address the problem of recovering block sparse signals from one-bit measurements.We first propose two recovery schemes,one based on second-order cone programming and the other based on hard thresholding,for common non-adaptively thresholded one-bit measurements.Note that the worst-case error in recovering sparse signals from non-adaptively thresholded one-bit measurements is bounded below by a polynomial of oversampling factor.To break the limit,we introduce a recursive strategy that allows the thresholds in quantization to be adaptive to previous measurements at each iteration.Using the scheme,we propose two iterative algorithms and show that corresponding recovery errors are both exponential functions of the oversampling factor.Several simulations are conducted to reveal the superiority of our methods to existing approaches.
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作者简介:  蔡晴晴,江苏省徐州财经高等职业技术学校。2009年江苏省职业学校财会专业技能大赛珠算、会计实务一等奖。    阳春三月,我有幸代表学校参加了“江苏省职业学校财会专业技能大赛及暨第二十九届珠算技术比赛”,并获得了高职组全能一等奖的好成绩,还获得了江苏省财政厅表彰的“首届江苏省会计技能大赛会计实务竞赛十佳优秀选手称号”。我深深地明白,这些成绩的取得与自己努力拼搏和不懈的努力是分不开的,更
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