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1995年6月20日,湖北省医药公司襄樊采购供应站医药自选商场正式开业.该商场地处襄樊闹市区,分上、下二层,内设西药区、中成药区、新药特药区、滋补保健品区、卫生防疫品区、医疗器械区、实价商品区、工厂代理区等八大货区以及商品零售区,经营品种达2000余种,经营面积达1500m~2.该商场不仅是目前湖北最大的医药商场,还是全省第一家国有医药自选商场.在隆重的开业庆典上,省医药总公司经理翁绍许、省医药公司经理罗辉旭以及襄樊市“四大家”、市医药局领导到场剪彩祝贺,与会工商卫各界代表近千人共聚一堂,共商医药自选大计.襄樊市人大常委会主任伍荣显同志还欣然为商场题字——“药品城”.开办医药自选,实行“仓(库)、场合一”,采取“在批发的基础上零售,以零售方式开展批发”的灵活经营方式,这是襄樊医药站适应社会主义市场经济需要,大胆转变经销策略,不断拓展医药市场的有益尝试.目前,医药流通领域多元化竞争日益激烈,国有 On June 20, 1995, Hubei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. officially launched the Xiangfan Procurement and Supply Station’s medical self-selected shopping mall. The mall is located in the downtown area of ​​Xiangfan and is divided into upper and lower floors. It consists of a Western medicine area, a Chinese patent medicine area, and a new medicine special medicine area. There are more than 2,000 kinds of products in operation areas such as nourishing health product areas, health and disease prevention product areas, medical equipment areas, real-price commodity areas, and factory agent areas, as well as commodity retail areas. The business area is 1500m~2. The largest medical mall in Hubei is also the province’s first state-owned medical self-selected shopping mall. At the grand opening ceremony, Weng Shaoxu, the manager of the provincial pharmaceutical company, Luo Huixu, the manager of the provincial pharmaceutical company, and the “Four people” of the Xiangfan city and the leaders of the Municipal Pharmaceutical Office Attend the ribbon-cutting congratulations and the representatives from all walks of life attended the conference to gather together thousands of people from all walks of life to discuss pharmaceutical options. Comrade Wu Rongxian, the chairman of the standing committee of Xiangfan City People’s Congress, is also pleased to open a pharmaceutical store for the opening of the “Drugs City” initiative. ), Occasion 1 “, adopt the flexible management mode of ”retail on the basis of wholesale, and wholesale on retail". This is the need of Xiangfan Pharmaceutical Station to meet the needs of the socialist market economy. Change distribution strategy, expanding useful attempt pharmaceutical market. At present, the field of pharmaceutical distribution diversification increasingly competitive, state-owned
一、锁定时间状语法  每一种动词的时态都有其固定的时间状语。根据时间状语一般能判断出动词的时态。如:一般现在时常与usually, often, sometimes, always, every day等表示现在的时间状语连用;一般过去时常与yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, just now, a week ago, once, lon
峰决定彻底离开莎,他已经极度讨厌莎对他召之即来、挥之即去的无情之举。这次是如此地决绝,他在心底里是发了誓的。这次北上除公干,更多的是先把离别在距离上做足,地理上的离别,然后水到渠成的就是心理上的离开。  高铁的速度很快,但七个小时的车程,还是让峰觉得无聊。手机在充电,他不能一直玩手机。如果拿着手机,峰更习惯和莎聊天。天南地北地聊,无话不谈地聊。曾经他以为那种忘记时间的交谈可以天荒地老,他以为那就是
第一节 我国外贸体制发生的主要变化及其影响 一、我国外贸体制的主要变化 (一)高度集中经营的状况根本改变,形成了各种类型外贸企业、多渠道经营的局面 原来中国的对外贸易
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