携手前进 共创辉煌——专访深圳华意隆电气股份有限公司总经理杨振文先生

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深圳华意隆电气股份有限公司是目前国内最大的焊接设备制造商之一,公司有着雄厚的自主研发、设计和生产制造能力,现有民用型焊机、工业型焊机、数字化焊机、经济型焊机四大类200多种产品,销售服务网络遍布全国,远销亚、欧、澳、美、非等五大洲及港澳台地区。在国际国内经济不景气,国内焊接企业产销普遍下滑的2012年,深圳华意隆逆势而行,销售总额有望突破3.5亿元人民币,同比增长30%,将继续谱写连续几年销售额高速增长的神话。一家2004年才成立的公司,用了不到10年的时间便跻身国内一流焊接设备制造商的行列,销售总额连续多年翻番,即便是在经济形势急剧恶化的2012年,依然实现了30%的增长。深圳华意隆到底有着怎样的秘诀?带着这样的疑问,笔者走进深圳华意隆电气股份有限公司,和其公司总经理杨振文先生进行了面对面的交谈。 Shenzhen Huayi Long Electric Co., Ltd. is currently one of the largest welding equipment manufacturers, the company has a strong independent research and development, design and manufacturing capabilities, the existing civilian-type welder, industrial welder, digital welder, the economy Welder four major categories of more than 200 kinds of products, sales and service network throughout the country and exported to Asia, Europe, Australia, the United States and Africa and other five continents and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. In 2012, with the sluggish domestic and international economic downturn, the production and sales of domestic welding enterprises generally fell against the trend. The total sales volume is expected to exceed RMB 350 million with an increase of 30% over the same period of previous year. The Group will continue to write the rapid sales growth for several years Myth. In less than 10 years, a company set up in 2004 became one of the top manufacturers of welding equipment in the country. The total sales doubled for many years in a row. Even in 2012, when the economic situation deteriorated drastically, 30% increase. Shenzhen Huayi Long in the end what kind of tips? With such questions, the author went to Shenzhen Huayi Long Electric Co., Ltd., and its general manager Mr. Yang Zhenwen conducted a face-to-face conversation.
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