Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Sharing Economy

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  【Abstract】In recent years, with the emergence of sharing bicycles, sharing houses and sharing finance, people begin to think about the economic significance of sharing economy. As a brand-new market-exchange economic system, it improves the utilization rate of the goods, and makes our life more convenient, but also causes many social problems. In view of this, this paper will discuss the existing problems and countermeasures in the development of sharing economy from the perspective of a high school student.
  【Key words】sharing economy; existing problems; countermeasures
  【作者簡介】Tingyong Wang(2002.03.15-), male, the Han nationality, student of Chengdu Foreign Languages School, Gaoxin.
  1. The idea of sharing economy
  Besed on the convenience of the Internet, sharing economy makes the idle resources quickly match the demander, and the exchange of resources such as products, services between provider and demander can be realized, thereby realizing the maximization of its value, which not only reduces the waste of resources but also responds to the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development.
  2. The problems existing in the development of sharing economy
  Firstly, in many cases, the privacy information that the users provided on the sharing platforms, such as identity information and payment information is used for commercial transaction when the user is not informed. The information leakage leads to serious personal privacy security problems.
  Secondly, the sharing economy is a transaction between strangers under the condition of information asymmetry. However, because of the serious lack of good faith in our country, people lack conscious of moral constraints, which has caused many social problems and made the development sharing economy has been deviated from its original intention.
  Thirdly, the sharing economy advocates renting instead of buying, so that the purchase behavior of the consumers is reduced, which makes the traditional service industry been greatly impacted, its interests been seriously hindered. Thus the conflicts of the business models between traditionsl business and sharing economy are intensified, and the structural resistance is formed.
  Finally, the current regulatory system of laws and regulations could not keep up with its development step, which led to many vulnerabilities, hindering its healthy development.
  3. Countermeasures of the development of sharing economy   First of all, in order to solve the problem of personal privacy leakage, consumers should increase the awareness of self-protection to avoid the disclosure of important personal information; The enterprise should also strengthen the prevention, maintain the security of the user’s privacy information, and provide a good business environment.
  Secondly, the government should perfect the strict supervision system of laws and regulations, promote the mutual adaptation between the sharing economy and the traditional business model, and establish and improve the mechanism of dishonesty punishment, improve the cost of people’s dishonesty, and guarantee the sustainable and healthy development of sharing economy.
  Thirdly, according to the characteristics of the development of the sharing economy, the supervision department should innovate the supervision mode constantly, so as to reduce the interference of the bad behaviors in the sharing economy to the normal social order.
  4. Conclusion
  To sum up, the sharing economy has gradually extended from simple goods to service, logistics and finance, gteatly influencing every aspect of our life. It not only improves the efficiency of resources, but also leads to many social problems. How to make better use of the Internet to develop the sharing economy, to provide more convenience for people’s life, and to ensure its healthy and sustainable development deserves everyone’s serious consideration.
【摘要】新课程改革的深入,使得阅读在英语教学中的地位日趋重要。但是,由于应试教育的压力,对于英语阅读概念的错误理解,使得目前高中生英语阅读的状况不容乐观,高中英语阅读教学也存在各种问题。因此,结合新课程对高中英语教学的要求,在相关理论的指导下对培养学生英语阅读能力的教学进行了探索,总结得出了相应的应对策略建议。  【关键词】英语阅读;阅读教学;实践探究  【作者简介】邹蓉,苏州市田家炳实验高级中学
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【摘要】在我国农村的中学英语教学中,由于教学设施以及教学人才的缺乏,其教学模式和教学方式还与国家教育平均水平存在一定差距,不利于培养和提高学生的英语核心素养。本文将基于核心素养,探讨如何提升农村英语的教学模式,从而改善农村中学英语的教学环境。  【关键词】核心素养;农村教学模式;初中英语  【作者简介】郭少萍,福建省泉州市台商投资区百奇民族中学。  引言  核心素养是中国学生教育培养的重点内容,重
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