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....曰.曰~ 六月一日于活动?是我们小朋友的节日,学校、班级都组织了哪翻卜小朋友,吹过泡泡吗?喜欢吹泡泡吗?你们吹出的泡泡有哪些颜色?把它画出来,好吗?展开想像,你觉得你吹出的泡泡像什么?试着画一画。“六一”儿童节这天来到操场上,轻轻一吹班级组织大家吹泡泡。我兴高采烈? .... Yue said. ~ June 1 at the event? Is our children's festival, schools, classes have organized the translation BU children, blowing bubbles? Do you like blowing bubbles? What color? Draw it, okay? Open your imagination, what do you think the bubbles you blow like? Try to draw a picture. “June 1” Children's Day came to the playground this day, blowing a blown class organization blowing bubbles. I am elated?
They say that man is mighty1),He governs land and sea;He wields2) a mighty scepter3)O’er4) lesser powers that be;But a mightier power and stronger,Man from his
蜻蜒飞行时速达到60—80公里,是飞得最快的昆虫。鸟类的脉搏要比人快得多,有些山雀的脉搏每分钟要跳1 200次。蜂鸟每分钟鼓动翅膀达90次,是鼓翅最快的鸟。蜂的幼虫长得最快,
尖晶石钢包浇注料的生产及使用效果袁建国,丁建华,陆万忠,梁道荣(新余钢铁有限责任公司新兴耐火材料公司,新余336513)ProductionandApplicationofSpinelMaterialforLadleliner¥YuanJianguo... Production and use of spinel ladle castables YUAN Jianguo,
作者于1992年创办了以自己名字命名的“述任正名所”,本文是他几年来从事取名策划的心得。 In 1992, the author founded his “Ren Zheng Zheng Dong She” by his own nam
月圆之夜,在桌上摆一套精致的小茶具可是别有一番风味啊!如果这套茶具又是自己亲手做的,那就更有意思啦! Full moon night, put on the table a set of exquisite little te
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。本栏责任编辑向晴黄牛皮先生的新发现(灵箫之十)@郑允钦@阿华 Please download to view, this article does not support onlin
泪眼问天天亦苦。亡命海角,弹雨如蝗鼠。注一香港何日庆回归?游子血浓思故土。南粤水甜和泪煮,注二世纪沧桑,肠断殖民府。天道回归休旧谱,荆花盛开红旗舞。注三 Tears ask