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支撑语文课堂教学的要素有三:作为主导的教师、作为主体的学生和作为载体的文本,三者缺一不可。如果避开教材谈人性化,那么语文教育要提高学生的人文素养的终极目标就难以真正实现,教学效果也将大打折扣。语文课文作为语文教育的工具,也承载着厚重的人文精神。任何抛开教材或者忽视教材中人文精神的挖掘而空谈所谓的人文教育的做法,只是一种急于求成、有名无实的“无土栽培”而已。 There are three main elements that support language teaching in the classroom: the dominant teacher, the student as the main body and the text as the carrier, are all indispensable. If you avoid the teaching of human nature, then the language education to improve students' ultimate goal of humanistic accomplishment is difficult to truly achieve, teaching effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Chinese language teaching as a tool for education, but also carry a heavy humanistic spirit. Any attempt to abandon the teaching materials or to ignore the humane spirit in the textbooks and to talk about the so-called humanistic education is only a kind of “soilless cultivation” which is eager to be realized and has no name.
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