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经常有同志提出这样的问题:新闻能不能“合理想象”?我觉得,这是有关维护新闻真实性的一个重要问题;如果不把这个问题弄清楚,报道的差错、失实甚至虚假就很可能发生。作为研究和讨论,我想谈一点不成熟的看法。所谓合理想象,大概是指:在新闻的基本材料是真实的情况下,对于若干情节(story)和细节(detail)进行想象的描写,而这种想象又是合理的、不是随心所欲的。这使我想起司马迁关于鸿门宴的著名描写。它很可以说明什么是“合理想象”。《史记·项羽本纪》里叙述项羽用范增之计,企图除掉沛公刘邦,不但情节有声有色,人物的言论和行动也活龙活现。这段描写,作为历 Some comrades often raise the question of whether the news can “reasonably imagine” or not. I think this is an important issue concerning the authenticity of the news. If this issue is not clarified, the errors, inaccuracies and even false occurrences reported are likely to occur . As research and discussion, I would like to talk a little bit immature opinion. The so-called reasonable imagination probably refers to imagining descriptions of stories and details in the true basic news material, which is reasonable and not arbitrary. This reminds me of Sima Qian’s famous portrayal of the Banquet. It can explain what is “reasonable imagination.” “Shi Ji Xiang Yu Ji” narrative Xiang Yu with Fan Zengzhi, trying to get rid of Pei Gong Liu Bang, not only the plot vivid, the characters’ remarks and actions are also alive. This description, as calendar
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