
来源 :经济与管理战略研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baiyunmtq
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改革开放以来,中国经济稳步快速发展,在全球经济体系中的重要性和影响力日益凸显。世界金融危机爆发后,国际经济格局发生了重大的变化,当前和今后一段时期,中国经济发展仍处于大有可为的重要战略机遇期,但同时面临着经济发展方式转变、社会结构深刻调整等严峻挑战,面临着世界经济复苏缓慢、国际分工调整及贸易纠纷加剧的复杂国际环境。在过去三十年里,我国政府依据改革与发展的不同阶段,制定了不同的经济与管理发展战略,取得了辉煌的成就。随着经济社会的深入发展,深层次问题的逐渐显现,经济形势更加繁杂。这就要求我们有更加广阔的经济视野,更加科学的发展战略,更加成熟的驾驭经济的能力。加强新形势下经济与管理战略研究,是新的发展阶段对中国经济与管理科学提出的更深刻的任务和要求。 Since the reform and opening up, the steady and rapid development of China’s economy has become increasingly prominent and influential in the global economic system. After the outbreak of the world financial crisis, the pattern of the international economy has undergone major changes. At present and for some time to come, China’s economic development is still in a promising period of great strategic opportunities. However, it is also facing such harsh challenges as the transformation of the mode of economic development and the profound readjustment of the social structure. Facing the complicated international environment with slow recovery of world economy, adjustment of international division of labor and intensification of trade disputes. In the past three decades, our government has formulated different economic and management development strategies and achieved brilliant achievements based on the different stages of reform and development. With the in-depth development of economy and society, the deep-seated problems gradually appear and the economic situation is more complicated. This requires us to have a broader economic perspective, a more scientific development strategy and a more mature ability to control the economy. Strengthening the study of economic and management strategies in the new situation is a more profound task and requirement for China’s economy and management science proposed by the new stage of development.