吃拿卡要 税纪不容——税收管理员喻某违违案件原因剖析法纪

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前不久,某市国家税务局通报了税收管理员喻某违纪违法案件。喻某利用职权向纳税人吃、拿、卡、要,收受纳税人钱物,擅自减免税,故意漏征漏管,造成国家税款流失,受到行政降级处分,并没收其非法所得。这是一起比较典型的税务人员利用职权谋私案件。喻某的行为如果不是及时被查处和 Not long ago, a city State Revenue Agency informed the tax administrator Yu a violation of law and discipline. Yu Mou use his authority to taxpayers to eat, take, card, to accept the taxpayers money, tax relief, intentional leakage leaking, resulting in the loss of state taxes, administrative downgrading and confiscation of their illegal gains. This is a typical case of tax officers using their powers to seek personal gains. Yu’s behavior if not promptly investigated and
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案子依法判决生效后,当事人要自动履行,不自动履行的,就要依法执行。否则,判决岂不成了一纸空文?执法不是几戏,必须维护法律的尊严,这是毫无疑义的。 然而,“执行难”的问题
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