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同志们:刚才,洁敏同志通报了上半年全省经济运行情况,并就下半年工作提出了要求,我都同意。各地区、各部门要认真总结,明确任务,狠抓落实,注重实效,确保下半年各项目标任务的完成。下面,我讲几点意见。一、关于国有资产的调整、营运和管理问题我省是一个国有经济比重大、分布广的省份,国有资产在全省经济社会发展中起着明显的主导作用。据统计,2000年我省国有资产(包括中央管理的)总量达1260亿元,其中经营性国有资产总额1150亿元,占91.3%;非经营性资产总额110亿元,占8.7%。在2001年全省经济总量300.8亿元中,公有经济完成的比重占到80.87%,民营经济占19.13%。近几年,我省国有资产运营管理工作在改革中调整,在调整中发展,取得一定成效。从1995年到2001年我省国有资产的发展变化情况看,属于我省地方管理的国有资产总额由356亿元增加到397亿元;国有净资产由110.3亿元增长到166.9亿元,年均增 Comrades: Just now, Comrade Jie Min informed of the operation of the province’s economy in the first half of the year and requested the second half of the year. I agree. All localities and departments should conscientiously sum up and clearly define their tasks, pay close attention to their implementation, pay attention to actual results and ensure the completion of the tasks and targets in the second half of the year. next, I will state a few of my opinions. I. Issues Concerning the Adjustment, Operation and Management of State-owned Assets The province is a province with a large proportion and extensive distribution of state-owned economy. State-owned assets play an obvious leading role in the economic and social development of the province. According to statistics, in 2000, the total amount of state-owned assets (including the centrally administered ones) in our province amounted to 126 billion yuan, of which 115.5 billion yuan was the total state-owned assets for operation, accounting for 91.3%. The non-operating assets totaled 11.0 billion yuan, accounting for 8.7%. In 2001, the province’s economy totaled 30.08 billion yuan, accounting for 80.87% of the total completed by the public sector and 19.13% by the private sector. In recent years, the operation and management of state-owned assets in our province have been adjusted in the course of reform and have made some achievements in adjustment. From 1995 to 2001, according to the development and changes of state-owned assets in our province, the total state-owned assets belonging to the local management of our province increased from 35.6 billion yuan to 39.7 billion yuan; the state-owned net assets increased from 11.33 billion yuan to 16.69 billion yuan, increase
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