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古今中外的文人,多擅于用借景抒情及寄情于物的手法来表现不能细说。不可明说和不好尽说的感情。瞧济南作家代表写的这段:“我的记忆中有一座桥。这座桥实在没什么,在它身上没有发生过战争,没铁索,甚至连名字也没有。有的只有精雕细刻的狮子、花纹,没有拱形是残破的石栏、石栏下的荒草和桥下被水流冲刷得上粗下细的桥柱、桥柱上绿油油的苔藓……那残缺的栏杆让我惶恐,我总是幻想着可能会不留神从残缺的空当或者两个横栏之间漏下去,这让我心悸不已,因为我还没到学会游泳的十一岁。有时候我也会寻点儿刺激,觉得匆匆走路太单调,就试着过桥时仰头看天。这个体验很有效,总是让我感到天旋地转,脚步错乱蹒跚,甚至不能直行,偶尔 Ancient and modern literati, mostly good at borrowing scenery by means of expressive and sentimental approach to performance can not elaborate. Can not say that bad feelings and do not say. Look at this section written by a representative of Ji’nan Writers: ”There is a bridge in my memory. There is nothing in this bridge, no war on it, no irony, no name at all, and some are only carved Lions, patterns, no arches are broken stone columns, under the stone columns of grass and under the bridge was washed by the flow of coarse and thin pillars, green moss on the pillars ... that torn railings let me panic, I I was always fantasizing about being inattentive to let go of the gaps or gaps between the two bars, which made me feel palpitations because I had not yet learned how to swim at the age of eleven, Feel hurry to walk too monotonous, try looking at the bridge when looking at the sky.This experience is very effective, always make me feel dizzy, faltering steps staggering, or even can not go straight, and occasionally
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患者,男,27岁,养蛇专业户,在刮取玻璃怀中的蛇毒粉时,不慎将蛇毒干粉溅入右眼,引起眼痛,畏光流泪,半小时后来我院。眼部检查:视力右1.2,左1.2,右眼上 Patients, male, 27 y
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