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近日,笔者从全国农业技术推广服务中心获悉,当前,华南、江南、西南早稻陆续进入破口抽穗期,江南、长江中下游、西南大部中稻处于返青分蘖期。截至目前,水稻病虫害总体中等至偏重发生。其中,水稻螟虫发生程度重于或接近上年同期,“两迁”害虫、常发性病害等发生危害期有所推迟,程度轻于上年同期。近期随着南方稻区降水增多,水稻“两迁”害虫大量迁入,田间虫量上升较快, Recently, the author learned from the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center that at present, south China, southern China and southwest China have entered the breach heading stage successively. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, most of the middle and south-west rice plants are in the turning-back tillering stage. As of now, rice pests and diseases generally moderate to biased occurrence. Among them, the incidence of rice stem borer heavier than or close to the same period of previous year, “two moved ” pests, and other diseases caused by the detriment of a delay, to a lesser extent than the same period last year. Recently, with the increase of precipitation in the southern rice area, a large number of pests migrated in paddy rice and moved rapidly in the field,
温柔、善良、美丽的兔四四,曾经跟着月宫的捣药玉兔学习医术。现在,她是天庭的名医。  兔四四的医馆,各种各样的病人向来很多,但是她怎么也想不到,有一天,十二生肖的老大鼠第一会大驾光临。  “大哥找我有事?”兔四四问。  “找你当然是来看病啦!”鼠第一无精打采地说。  “您什么地方不舒服?”  “连着几天睡不着,我都快困死啦!”  鼠第一是天庭头号神偷。神偷嘛,通常都是夜里作案的,鼠第一经常晚上不睡觉
我们对经临床确诊的 3 46例儿童癫痫 ,应用不同剂量水合氯醛诱导睡眠 ,常规药量 10 6例 ,小剂量 110例及未用药 13 0例 ,进行脑电图描记作比较 ,现将结果报告如下。1 资料与
The viscoelastic behavior of melts for two systems composed of intercalated nanocomposites based on low density polyethylene and 3 wt% loading of cetyltrimethyl
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