Extraction and Content Determination of Rhynchophylline from RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yelangqishi
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[Objective] To study on the extraction and content determination of rhynchophylline from RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS.[Method] Extraction method of traditional alkaloids was adopted.And modern analysis method of HPLC was used to determine the content of rhynchophylline.Rhynchophylline content in RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS was calculated.[Result] Specialization investigation showed that the retention time of rhynchophylline was about 18.843 min,and that of isorhynchophylline was 22.323 min.The two peaks showed good resolution;and other components in RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS did not interfere with the assay.Results of content determination showed that the contents of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline were 23.23 and 129.17 μg/g,respectively.The average recovery rates of added recovery test were 99.12% and 101.33%,with RSD values being 1.84% and 1.56%,respectively.[Conclusion] This method was stable,effective,accurate,and could be used for the content determination of rhynchophylline in RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS. [Objective] To study on the extraction and content determination of rhynchophylline from RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS. [Method] Extraction method of traditional alkaloids was adopted. And modern analysis method of HPLC was used to determine the content of rhynchophylline. Rhynchophylline content in RAMULUS UNCARIAE [Result] Specialization investigation showed that the retention time of rhynchophylline was about 18.843 min, and that of isorhynchophylline was 22.323 min. The two arms showed good resolution; and other components in RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS did not interfere with the assay. Results of content determination showed that the contents of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline were 23.23 and 129.17 μg / g, respectively. The average recovery rates of added recovery test were 99.12% and 101.33%, with RSD values ​​being 1.84% and 1.56%, respectively . [Conclusion] This method was stable, effective, accurate, and could be used for the content determination of rhynchophylline in RAMULUS UNCARIAE CUM UNCIS.
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