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自不待言,贪污是公认的一种犯罪行为.当年,毛泽东将“浪费”与“贪污”同列为“是一种极大的犯罪”.浪费性质之严重,于此可见一斑。伟人说此言的那个年代,我国在计划经济体制的统摄下,经济发展缓慢,物质供应奇缺,且不说像电器如电视机、电冰箱之类颇为罕见,就连生活必需品如布料、粮食乃至火柴、油盐等都得凭票供应,上海还发行过半两的粮票哩!多年来,人们的物质生活需求与消费的矛盾时隐时现困扰着社会。于是乎,“厉行节约,反对浪费”;“艰苦奋斗,勤俭建国(持家)”成为了全社会的口头禅,那些时代楷模如雷锋、焦裕禄的身上都具备着勤俭节约的精神元素.改革开放带来了时代巨变,其最大的变化是,在思想解放的同时,生产力也得以极大的解放,市场经济体 It goes without saying that corruption is recognized as a criminal act.At the same time, Mao Zedong will be “waste ” and “corruption ” as “a great crime ” serious nature of the waste can be seen Spotted. At that time when the great man said his remark, under the general plan of the planned economic system, our economy was sluggish and the supply of materials was scarce. Not to mention such things as electrical appliances such as television sets and refrigerators are quite rare, even the necessities of life such as fabric, Food and even matches, oil, salt and so on have to be provided by the vote. Shanghai has also issued over half of the food stamp miles. Over the years, the contradiction between people’s material needs and consumption has been plagued by the society. Ever since, “hard work, thrifty to build a nation (family) ” has become the mantra of the whole society, such as those models of the times such as Lei Feng, Jiao all have the spirit of thrift. The greatest change brought about by the reform and opening up was the emancipation of the productive forces while the emancipation of the mind was greatly liberated. The market economy
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逃离北上广已成为流行词多年——有几年,人们先是嚷着要离开,又有先烈们受不了小城市的平淡,默默地回来。美国用了40年时间完成了从城市化——城市郊区化——逆城市化——城市化的过程,神奇国度的人用10年就走了一圈——但我们到底该逃向何处?  离开一线城市我们有很多去处——二线城市、老家……但是,如果你不知道你在寻找什么,世界之大,你又怎可能找到自己喜欢的地方?你最需要知道的是不同的城市,各自有什么好处。