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“娟娟的样子经常出现在我眼前,令我产生错觉。她那么年轻,那么有活力,怎么会离我而去呢?”这是近日陶红在一口气拿下“金爵”、“金鸡”、“华表”三项影后桂冠之后,对笔者讲述的一个动人的故事,是发生在两个美丽女人之间的一段穿越时空而沉淀弥厚的往事。两个性格不同的漂亮女人作了室友 1990年夏天,陶红就要从中央戏剧学院毕业了。当时,她面临的最大问题就是要在北京找一个住处。一天,陶红在校园里遇到了赵娟娟。娟娟是山东姑娘,是表演干部班进修生。由于戏剧学院的学生很少,加上就读同一个专业,她们早就熟了,娟娟亲热地叫着陶红的昵称。 “陶陶,到我那里去住吧。我在亚运村租了房子,三室一厅,我们一人一间,还有一间共用,怎么样?”大气爽快的娟娟快言快语,眼神闪烁着真诚。娟娟长相很大气,眼窝凹进去,长发飘洒,很像西方古典侠女,她个子很高,有1.70米。在陶红的记忆中,娟娟很有个性,也很有正义感。如果她欣赏的人,怎么都行;如果不喜欢,她干脆不予理睬。相反陶红则显得温婉得多,陶红很欣赏娟娟,可是娟娟对陶红说:“陶陶,你也很不错,很淑女,不爱说话,但心里有数。” 陶红看着娟娟,觉得她这个时候出现,简直就是天上掉下来的大救星:“好啊!娟娟,你真的救了我,我正在为找住处发愁呢!”两个性格反差很大的女人就这样组成了一个家,而且一住就是两年半,比陶红大九岁的娟娟像一个大姐姐一样处处呵护着陶红,像是她的主心骨。娟娟是一个很有品位的女人。90年代初期,中式服装还远远不像今天这样流行,那时娟娟已经一身 Juanjuan often appear in front of me, I create an illusion .She is so young, so energetic, how would leave me? “This is the recent Tao Hong won in one breath,” “Jinsong After the three laurels, the moving story about the author is a passage of time and space that has taken place between two beautiful women and has accumulated a thick past. Two beautiful women of different temperaments made a roommate In the summer of 1990, Tao Hong graduated from the Central Academy of Drama. At that time, the biggest problem she faced was to find a place to live in Beijing. One day, Tao Hong Zhao Juanjuan met in the school. Juan Juan is a girl in Shandong, performing cadres in class performance. Due to the small number of students in Drama Academy, together with the same profession, they are already familiar, Juanjuan affectionately called Tao Hong’s nickname. ”Tao Tao, to me to live it. I rented a house in the Asian Games Village, three rooms a hall, we have one, there is a shared, how? “ Juanjuan refreshing atmosphere, eyes flashing sincere. Juanjuan looks very atmospheric, concave sunken eyes, long hair float, much like the Western classical chivalrous woman, she is tall, 1.70 meters. In Tao Hong’s memory, Juanjuan is very personal and also has a sense of justice. If she likes people, how to do; if you do not like, she simply ignored. On the contrary Tao Hong is much more gentle, Tao Hong appreciate Juanjuan, but Juan Juan Tao said: ”Tao Tao, you are also very good, very lady, do not love to talk, but my heart.“ Juanjuan, I think she appeared this time, it is simply a savior falling from heaven: ”Well! Juanjuan, you really saved me, I was looking for accommodation to worry about it!" The two character contrast is very large The woman thus formed a home, and a residence is two and a half years, more than Tao Hong Juan nine-year-old like a big sister, like care of Tao Hong everywhere, as her mainstay. Juan Juan is a very tasteful woman. Early 90s, Chinese clothing is far from the fashion today, when Juanjuan has been a
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