我认为写日记不失为一种提高写作能力的行之有效的方法。在训练的具体做法上,我根据学生实际,实施了五步训练法。 第一步,开口式日记。初中三年,对作文提笔叫苦,下笔皱眉者大有人在。对这些学生先要同他们谈心,鼓励他们写日记可以“三放”:放手、放心、放胆。不管是凡人琐事,还是花鸟虫鱼,不管是天方夜谭,抑或心血来潮,统统可写,越长越好,多多益善。
I think writing a diary is an effective way to improve your writing skills. In the specific practice of training, I implemented a five-step training method according to the students’ actual conditions. The first step, open diary. In junior high school, there was a lot of people complaining about the composition and complaining. To these students, they must first talk to them and encourage them to write a diary so they can “play three”: let go, rest assured, and be bold. Whether it is mortal trivia or flower, bird or worm fish, whether it is a fantasy or a whim, all can be written, the longer the better, the better.