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1 商品经济发展初级阶段的阵痛正折磨着戏剧,连中国戏剧家协会的事业经费都没有着落了。于是,这个本该为戏剧界无条件服务的“戏剧之家”不得不变着法儿“创收”。比方说,腾出办公室供过往同行住宿,叫做“有偿服务”,也是无可奈何的事。4月底,剧协住进几位广东来客,悄没声的,昼出夜归,说是在排戏。“五一”过后,人们在首都剧场的舞台上看到他们的演出,这才知道,原来是话剧《搭积木》到北京来了。早就听说中国剧协在广州开剧本讨论会时用引进的方法“立”了两个剧本,其中之一,就是《搭积木》。所谓“立剧本”,就是请演员按剧本的角色分工,花很少一点时间排练,然后拿着本子边读台词边走位置,使与会者对剧本有一个“立体”的感受。这是不以演出为目的的排练,美国奥尼尔戏剧中心已经搞了多年。我们这次引进过来一试,果然效果甚佳。与会的剧作家们都很兴奋,觉得这无疑是为命途多舛的剧本创作提供了新的成活机会。 The throes of the early stages of the development of a commodity economy are torturing drama, even the cause of the Chinese Dramatists Association. As a result, this “theater house,” which should have been the unconditional service of the theater industry, had to become a “revenue generator.” For example, freeing up an office for overnight accommodation, called “paid service,” is also a helpless thing. By the end of April, the playwright admitted to several Guangdong visitors, quietly, day and night return, said that in the row play. After the “May Day”, people saw their performances on the stage of the Capital Theater. Only then did we know that the drama “Take the Building Blocks” came to Beijing. It has long been heard that the Chinese dramatists “established” two scripts in the course of opening the seminar in Guangzhou, one of which is “building blocks.” The so-called “script”, is to ask the actors according to the role of the script division of labor, spent a little time rehearsal, and then read the lines with the book while walking position, so that participants have a “stereoscopic” feel of the script. This is not a rehearsal for performances, the United States O’Neill Theater Center has been engaged in for many years. We brought in a try this time and it really worked very well. The participating playwrights are very excited, I think this is undoubtedly the survival of the script to provide a new life chance.
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1.神奇阿尔斯顿 1.87米的阿尔斯 顿,出身纽约皇后区龙蛇杂处的South Jamaica.15岁的时候就已经四处征战纽约 大小街头斗牛场,并在最艰难、险恶的“洛 克公园”闯出
2002年欧洲12强赛于2月9日至10日在荷兰的鹿特丹举行。德国的波尔和克罗地亚的鲍罗斯分获男女冠军。 比赛分为两个阶段,第一阶段为小组单循环赛,分成四组,每组三人进行循环,
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商洛地区有国营林场19个,据二类调查资料,经营总面积为20.2万 ha,有林地面积4.9万 ha;总蓄积404.8万 m~3,占全地区森林总蓄积1550.6万 m~3的26.1%。二类调查数据与四五清查