The Concept of Innovation, Promoting Running of Autonomous Systems and the Modernization of the Gove

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Deepening reform, promoting the rule of law, and implementing the “Five Develop ̄ment ” concepts have had a deep influence on the modernization of governance in ethnic autonomous regions. Based on a review of 30 years of success ̄ful experiences in implementing ethnic regional au ̄tonomous law, and focusing on the concepts of“innovation, coordination, green development, openness and sharing”, we need to conduct in -depth research on the ways to:promote governance by law, realize the modernization of governance;and promote the efficient implementation of ethnic autonomous systems in the ethnic autonomous re ̄gion.
The 155 ethnic autonomous areas of China cover 64% of the total area of the country. There ̄fore, the governance of the country cannot be a ̄chieved without modernizing the governance in the ethnic autonomous regions. Modernizing the gov ̄ernance in ethnic autonomous regions is a necessa ̄ry element for modernizing the governance of the nation. The modernization of the ethnic autono ̄mous regions actually means the legalization of the governance in ethnic autonomous areas, which is a main part of the legalization of the ethnic affairs.
The comprehensive, deepening of reform, and promoting governance by law have been strongly promoted. We should start from reality, respect differences, and take the development concepts of“innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing” into consideration so as to promote the ef ̄ficient implementation of ethnic regional autono ̄mous systems through various methods. We should update our concepts, weaken specificity, solidify locality, intensify new thinking, innovate the run ̄ning of ethnic autonomous systems, and promote the modernization of governance in ethnic autono ̄mous regions. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the theories and practices used since the imple ̄mentation of ethnic regional autonomous regula ̄tions, and under the premise of intensifying “the legalization of ethnic affairs”, we should deepen the comprehensive reform of the ethnic autonomous regions, comprehensively promote the governance by law, and realize the goal of building a moder ̄ately prosperous society as scheduled through im ̄proving and innovating the running of ethnic re ̄gional autonomous systems.
“Ethnic areas are districts with rich resources and water sources; they are ecological screen zones, cultural characteristic zones, border areas, and poor areas.” At the same time, due to histori ̄cal, social and natural factors,“the natural condi ̄tions of most ethnic areas are not good; their be ̄ginning phase of development is low; they have many historical debts; they are located far away from the central markets and urban areas;their ur ̄ban-rural gap is very obvious”, and “their gap with the eastern areas ( of China) is growing larger and larger”. The reform and the promotion of gov ̄ernance by law in ethnic autonomous areas should put more emphasis on locality, ethnicity and “au ̄tonomy”. Of course, we must avoid of “artificial ̄ly” intensifying ethnic consciousness, and creating ethnic “differences”. Meanwhile, we should “im ̄prove the capability for legal management of ethnic affairs”, “intensify the construction of laws and regulations related to ethnic work”, “legally han ̄dle those issues involving ethnic factors”, “insist on resolving issues involving ethnic factors by the law, and avoid of regarding civil and criminal problems related to ethnic people as ethnic prob ̄lems, or regarding common disputes in ethnic are ̄as as ethnic problems. ”
We should affirm that China’s ethnic relations are harmonious, and that their economics are de ̄veloping rapidly. Since the implementation of the policy of “reform and opening -up”, especially since 2005 , the economics in ethnic autonomous regions have developed dramatically; the people’s living conditions have continuously improved;bas ̄ic infrastructure has significantly speeded up; and ecological protection has solidly improved. Howev ̄er, the problems still prevail. For example, the poverty in ethnic areas is still serious—there are more than 25 million poor in ethnic rural areas. Therefore, the task of poverty alleviation is still very tough. In addition, the gap between urban and rural areas and between different regions is very large in ethnic autonomous regions. Finally, the rate of urbanization is very low.
In sum, during the process of modernizing so ̄cial governance in ethnic autonomous regions, we must pay full attention to the five“stage character ̄istics” of ethnic work in China which are the:( i) co - existence of opportunities and challenges brought by the “reform and opening -up” policy and the socialist market economy;( ii) co-exist ̄ence of the state’s constant support to the ethnic ar ̄eas and its low level of development; ( iii ) co -existence of the state’s constant support to the eth ̄nic areas and the weak level of basic public service capability in ethnic areas; ( iv ) co -existence of the constant exchange and fusion between various ethnic groups and the disputes involving ethnic fac ̄tors;and ( v) co-existence of the great achieve ̄ments in anti-national splittism, religious extrem ̄ity, and violent terrorism, as well as the active ter ̄rorism activities in some areas. Only when we rec ̄ognize this situation, can we understand the speci ̄ficity of doing ethnic work in China. The innova ̄tion of governance of ethnic autonomous areas and the promotion of governance by law in the whole country must start from this actual situation.
At present, we still need to clarify the conno ̄tations of autonomous rights. Based on a clear clar ̄ification of the basic meaning of ethnic regional au ̄tonomous rights, we should deepen reform, active ̄ly transform the governance of the ethnic autono ̄mous regions, further deepen relevant theoretical studies, and positively promote the ethnic regional autonomous system. The main purpose of the eth ̄nic regional autonomous areas is to promote the de ̄velopment of the various affairs of ethnic minorities and ethnic regional autonomous areas. The purpose for improving the ethnic regional autonomous sys ̄tem is to ensure the development of ethnic minori ̄ties and ethnic regional autonomous regions. Im ̄proving the ethnic regional autonomous system should transform from one of preferential treatment to one of nuanced development.
Looking back to the past, the legal construc ̄tion of ethnic regional autonomy has made great a ̄chievements. However, the preferential policies of the state and relevant institutes are still the real factors promoting the development of the various af ̄fairs of the ethnic minorities and ethnic autonomous areas. As described in this article, there are multi ̄ple factors which influence the efficiency and per ̄formance of the ethnic regional autonomy. The eth ̄nic autonomous regions are restricted by natural conditions and economic development, therefore, they have to depend on assistance from the state and the relevant institutes—this is the objective re ̄ality. However, the improvement of the ethnic re ̄gional autonomous system must change the status of the past, and enable the ethnic regional autono ̄mous system play out its actual role so that the va ̄rious affairs of ethnic minorities and ethnic autono ̄mous regions can step onto a road of nuanced de ̄velopment.
The future development of the ethnic regional autonomous system depends on the consensus of theoretical and practical circles, i. e. a long-term mechanism whose purpose is to enable the system itself play its actual role should be established. Only by such a mechanism, can these puzzling problems be solved and gradually improved. Tak ̄ing the breakthrough of the actual effect of the sys ̄tem as the starting point of the ethnic regional autonomy’s deepening of the reform, one should take the following aspects into consideration:1 ) re-examine existing laws and regulations, and im ̄prove them on the basis of institutional norms, en ̄hance normalization, uniformity and manipulability of the ethnic regional autonomous regulations; 2 ) sort out the relationship between the institutions in ethnic autonomous areas and the upper levels of the state institutes, as well as the relationship be ̄tween the institutions on the same level;on the va ̄rious institutional levels, enhance clear cognition on the position, role and organizing principles of the ethnic regional autonomous system, and avoid taking the ethnic regional autonomous system as the affairs of the ethnic autonomous areas;3 ) im ̄prove the supervisory mechanisms for running the ethnic regional autonomous system; and 4 ) im ̄prove the mechanisms for handling disputes on the running of the ethnic regional autonomous system.
We must work closely, share the achieve ̄ments, and promote the operation of the ethnic re ̄gional autonomous system. For this purpose, we should:1 ) standardize the management of the eth ̄nic regional autonomous system, and weaken the“specificity”;2 ) promote the governance capabili ̄ty of the ethnic regional autonomous areas, and so ̄lidify the concept of“locality”;3 ) enhance auton ̄omous awareness and capability, intensify “new thinking”, motivate initiatives from the autonomous areas, and improve the autonomous system from the bottom-up, and rationally allocate the power and rights of the high-level organs and the auton ̄omous organs in the ethnic autonomous areas.
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