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群星璀璨的银河内,每一颗星散发出的都是它独立的光芒。没有不可被颠覆的秩序,沧海可变桑田。在中国历史上具有转折意义的1976年,于现在北京至昌平高速公路旁朱辛庄原北京劳动大学旧址上,诞生了由北京电影学院、中央美术学院、中央音乐学院和另外三所著名的艺术学校合并成的中央五七艺术大学。可当那时的那些莘莘学子来到这所大学后,却很少有人见到过这所大学的校长。在当时这个大学中电影学院变成了电影学校,在电影学校的摄影系里共有新闻摄影、科教摄影和故事片摄影三个班。顾名思义,摄影系培养的是在导演统领下进行摄影的专家,而不是其他。但任何事物在发展过程中都会产生不同内涵的裂变,正像这个中央五七艺术大学后来又变回北京电影学院一样。很多从摄影系走出来的摄影师,在艺术发展的裂变中,又成为了导演,这看似角色上的转换。但实际上确是创作上的一个飞跃。李森是那条星河中的佼佼者之一。 Galaxy bright stars, each star is emitting its own independent light. There is no order that can not be subverted. On the turning point in Chinese history, in 1976, Beijing Film Academy, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Central Conservatory of Music and three other famous art schools were born on the site of Beijing University of Labor in Zhu Xinzhuang, Beijing from now on to Changping Expressway. Merged into the Central Five Seven Art University. But when those students came to this university, few saw the university’s president. At that time, the film college became a movie school in this university. There are three classes of news photography, science photography and feature film photography in the film school’s photography department. As the name implies, the photography department is trained by the director under the guidance of photography experts, not others. However, anything in the development process will have different connotations of fission, just as the Central Five Seven Art University later changed back to the Beijing Film Academy. Many photographers who came out of the department of photography have become directors in the fission of artistic development. This seems like a conversion of roles. But in fact it is a creative leap. Lysen is one of the best players in that galaxy.