The periodic or quasi-periodic orbits around collinear Lagrange points present many properties that are advantageous for space missions. These Lagrange point orbits are exponentially unstable. On the basis of an analytical method, an orbit control strategy that is designed to eliminate the dominant unstable components of Lagrange point orbits is developed. The proposed strategy enables the derivation of the analytical expression of nonlinear control force. The control parameter of this strategy can be arbitrarily selected provided that the parameter is considerably lower than the negative eigenvalue of motion equations, and that the energy required keeps the same order of magnitude. The periodic or quasi-periodic orbit of controlled equations remains near the periodic or quasi-periodic orbit of uncontrolled equations.
The periodic or quasi-periodic orbits around collinear Lagrange points present many properties that are advantageous for space missions. These Lagrange point orbits are exponentially unstable. On the basis of an analytical method, an orbit control strategy that is designed to eliminate the dominant unstable components of the Lagrange point orbits is developed. The proposed strategy enables the derivation of the analytical expression of nonlinear control force. The control parameter of this strategy can be arbitrarily selected provided that the parameter is relatively lower than the negative eigenvalue of motion equations, and that the energy required keeps keeps the same order of magnitude. The periodic or quasi-periodic orbit of controlled equations remains near the periodic or quasi-periodic orbit of uncontrolled equations.