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黑龙江省军区党委注重改进党日活动方式方法,深入开展了以“学入党誓词、学党员义务和讲党的优良传统、讲党员先进事迹、讲入党经历”为内容的“两学三讲”活动,进一步强化了党组织功能和党员的党性观念。注重搞好教育引导,强化思想认识。一是学法规明要求。他们利用党课、党委(支部)会议、党小组会等时机,组织党员系统深入地学习党章、政治工作条例、军队党支部工作条例以及有关党建工作法规文件,使党员明白党日活动何时搞、搞什么、怎么搞。二是抓教育促落实。他们积极开展“有效履行党员义务,做一名合格党员”的大讨论,引导党员从讲政治的高度来认识落实党日制度 Heilongjiang Provincial Military Region Party Committee focused on ways and means of improving the activities of the party and devel- oped the policy of “deepening the party’s vows, learning party members’ obligations and talking about the party’s fine tradition, Stresses ”activities, and further strengthened the party’s organizational functions and the party’s concept of party spirit. Pay attention to do a good job of education guide, strengthen ideological understanding. First, learn the law requirements. They use party meetings, party committees (branch) meetings, party groups and other occasions to organize party members to conduct in-depth study of the party constitution, political work regulations, work rules of the party branch of the army, and party building work regulations and documents so that party members understand when party activities, What to do, how to engage. The second is to promote education to promote implementation. They actively carried out a major discussion on “effectively fulfilling the obligations of party members and becoming a qualified party member” and guided party members in recognizing and implementing party-day system from a political-speaking level
通过Morris水迷宫实验,检测4组小鼠的空间学习和记忆能力差异。  潜在治疗药物尚无相关研究。由此,我们提出研究假说,通过MTM特异性抑制Sp1的过表达,是否可改善AD的认知缺陷及
目的:探讨线粒体ATP敏感钾通道(mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel,mitoKATP)对高氧诱导人肺泡上皮细胞凋亡的保护作用。方法:以人肺泡上皮A549细胞为研究对象,体
癫痫(epilepsy, EP)是以脑神经元过度同步放电引起反复痫性发作为特征的慢性反复发作性短暂脑功能失调综合征,是神经系统常见疾病之一。药物难治性癫痫占癫痫患者的20%-40%,
目的:脑出血(Intracerebral hemorrhage,ICH)是严重危害人类生命安全的难治性疾病之一,具有高致死率和高致残率。尽管到现阶段,脑出血的病理机制研究已经取得了巨大的进步,但是目前
The cultivated area in artificial oases is deeply influenced by global climate change and human activities.Thus,forecasting cultivated area in artificial oases
介绍了一种用于提升设备的新型防坠、防■罐装置,即用液压缓冲装置代替目前用的钢丝全绳摩擦式缓冲器,并阐述了其工作原理及设计要点。 A new type of anti-fall and anti-tan