热烈庆祝中国航天时代电子公司第七七一研究所成立四十周年 四十年风雨兼程 四十年壮大发展

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金秋十月,天高气爽。正当我们以无比豪迈的心情喜迎国庆56周年之际,中国航天时代电子公司第七七一研究所的全体职工又兴高采烈地迎来了建所40周年。1965年10月18日,为了国防发展的需要,国家决定在中国科学院成立我国第一个固体组件与计算机技术密切结合的专业研究所。为此,来自中科院6个研究所的科技精英,肩负着国家和民族的神圣使命汇聚到北京中关村,组建了“中国科学院156工程处”(七七一所前身)。从此,开创了中国航天微电子和空间专用微型计算机发展史上的新纪元。金秋十月,天高气爽。正当我们以无比豪迈的心情喜迎国庆56周年之际,中国航天时代电子公司第七七一研究所的全体职工又兴高采烈地迎来了建所40周年。1965年10月18日,为了国防发展的需要,国家决定在中国科学院成立我国第一个固体组件与计算机技术密切结合的专业研究所。为此,来自中科院6个研究所的科技精英,肩负着国家和民族的神圣使命汇聚到北京中关村,组建了“中国科学院156工程处”(七七一所前身)。从此,开创了中国航天微电子和空间专用微型计算机发展史上的新纪元。 Autumn in October, awe-inspiring. Just as we celebrate the 56th anniversary of the National Day with great enthusiasm, the entire staff of the 77th Institute of China Aerospace Times Electronics Company happily welcomed the 40th anniversary of the founding. On October 18, 1965, in order to meet the needs of the development of national defense, the state decided to set up the first professional institute with a solid combination of solid components and computer technology in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. To this end, the elite of science and technology from the six institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came together in Beijing’s Zhongguancun, shouldering the sacred mission of the country and nation, and set up the “156 Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences” (a predecessor of 717). Since then, it has opened a new era in the history of the development of space microelectronics and space microcomputers in China. Autumn in October, awe-inspiring. Just as we celebrate the 56th anniversary of the National Day with great enthusiasm, the entire staff of the 77th Institute of China Aerospace Times Electronics Company happily welcomed the 40th anniversary of the founding. On October 18, 1965, in order to meet the needs of the development of national defense, the state decided to set up the first professional institute with a solid combination of solid components and computer technology in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. To this end, the elite of science and technology from the six institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came together in Beijing’s Zhongguancun, shouldering the sacred mission of the country and nation, and set up the “156 Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences” (a predecessor of 717). Since then, it has opened a new era in the history of the development of space microelectronics and space microcomputers in China.
<正> 历史上的黄河夺淮导致了苏北地理环境的逆变,引起了多方面的负面影响。苏北地区的耕作制度的逆变是一个非常重要的方面。 一、苏北历史上曾为产稻区 在黄河夺淮以前,不