领导带头 部门联动 全民参与——南昌市科学应对冰雪低温天气的实践与启示

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为提高防范和处置气象灾害能力,南昌市于2012年在全国率先出台城市气象灾害应急预案,制定了城市暴雨、暴雪和冰冻气象灾害预警级别标准,明确了有关部门、单位应对城市气象灾害的任务和工作重点。2014年2月8日夜间,南昌市出现低温雨雪天气,2月9日晨局部地区降雪有10.1厘米,达到暴雪量级,给群众的生产生活造成了一定的影响。南昌市认真贯彻落实江西省委、省政府有关要求,按照城市气象灾害应急预案的要求启动相关工作,较好地应对了持续近10天的低温雨雪天气,基本确保了全市主次干道路交通畅通、群众生产生活正常、社会和谐稳定,得到上级领导、社会各界的充分肯定。 In order to improve the ability of preventing and handling meteorological disasters, Nanchang City took the lead in introducing the contingency plan for meteorological disasters in cities nationwide in 2012, formulated the early-warning level standards for urban heavy rains, blizzards and frozen meteorological disasters, and clarified the tasks of relevant departments and units in coping with urban meteorological disasters And focus of work. On the night of February 8, 2014, Nanchang City experienced low-temperature rain and snowy weather. On the morning of February 9, there were 10.1 centimeters of snowfall in some areas, reaching the magnitude of Blizzard, causing a certain impact on the production and living of the masses. Nanchang conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, in accordance with the requirements of the meteorological disaster emergency plan to start the relevant work, a good response to the nearly 10 days of low temperature rain and snow weather, basically to ensure that the city’s primary and secondary roads traffic Smooth flow of people, normal production and life of the masses, social harmony and stability, by superiors, all sectors of society fully affirmed.
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