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世界经济的多极化发展,必然导致各国之间彼此交往的扩大和互相渗透的加深,而在这种相互依赖的一体化进程中,为了促进各国的共同发展,必然出现各种国家之间的经济组合,如自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济联盟等不同层次的区域性经济集团。每个集团为了谋求各自的政治需要和经济利益的一致,都要进行某种形式的合作,以最终实现经济的一体化。一、亚太战略的经济背景1、大气候:“太平洋时代”的到来随着二战以来“美国时代”的结束,世界局势以难以抑挡之势,出现了经济区域集团化的浪潮。在资本主义世界范围内,形成了美国、西欧、日本三足鼎立之势。1989年美加自由贸易区的建立和1992年欧洲统一大市场的建成,冲击了太平洋西岸的另一个超级经济大国——日本,于是,议论多年的“亚太经济圈”,又在太平洋经济高速增长的背景下,重新提上议事日程。 The multipolar development of the world economy will inevitably lead to the deepening of mutual exchanges and the deepening of mutual penetration among all countries. In order to promote the common development of all countries in this process of interdependence and integration, there will inevitably be a Economic groups, such as free trade zones, customs unions, common markets, economic alliances and other levels of regional economic groups. In order to seek the unity of their respective political needs and economic interests, each group must carry out some form of cooperation so as to eventually achieve economic integration. I. Economic Background of the Asia-Pacific Strategy 1. The Great Climate: The Arrival of the “Pacific Age” With the end of the “American era” since the Second World War, the world situation has been unstoppable and has seen the tide of grouping in the economic region. In the capitalist world, the United States, Western Europe and Japan have formed the tripartite confrontation. The establishment of the free trade zone between the United States and Canada in 1989 and the establishment of the European unified market in 1992 have hit Japan, another super-economic power in the western Pacific coast. As a result, the “Asia-Pacific economic circle” talked about for many years has seen rapid economic growth in the Pacific Ocean In the context, to put on the agenda again.
利用甜菜夜蛾NPV(Spodoptera exigua NPV,SeNPV)、棉铃虫NPV(Helicoverpa armigera NPV,HaNPV)分别与苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)制成复配剂,分别对甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫2-3龄幼
如何理解刑法第 2 0条第 3款的规定 ,刑法理论和司法实践均有不同的看法。本文认为该款是赋予公民的特别防卫权 ,并对其构成条件及其与无限防卫权的异同进行比较论述。