宁静致远 ——温宗仁将军的翰墨情缘

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“宁静致远”。在温宗仁将军的客厅里,挂着他手书的一幅书法作品。四个刚劲有力的大字,既诠释了他从一位农民的儿子成长为共和国上将的人生真谛,又道出了他工作之余对书法艺术近六十载的孜孜追求和不解情缘。温宗仁1940年出生于山水秀美并有着深厚文化底蕴的安徽巢湖。虽然父亲是一个农民,但却懂些文化,自小就严格教育温宗仁,教他写毛笔字,每天必须写三张大字和一篇小字。过年了,又让温宗仁去给村里的大伯大娘写春联。随后又送他去上学,经常给他讲家乡出的冯玉祥等爱国将领的传奇故事,教育他要好好读书,长大才能不受苦,做一个有出息的人。父亲的教诲虽然质朴,但却像是一座明灯,指引着温宗仁的人生历程。俗话说,热爱是最好的老师。虽然因为年幼,还不 “Quiet Zhiyuan ”. In his living room, General Wen Zongren hangs a calligraphy of his handwritten book. Four powerful and powerful characters not only interpret his life from the son of a peasant to the true meaning of the republican general, but also reveal his spare time for nearly 60 years of calligraphy diligently pursuing and indissoluble bond. Wen Zongren was born in 1940 in Chaohu, Anhui with beautiful scenery and profound cultural background. Although his father is a peasant, he understands some cultures. When he was young, he taught Wen Zongren strictly. He taught him to write brush characters. Every day, he must write three characters and a small print. New Year, let Wen Zongren go to the village aunt spring couplets. Then sent him to school, often told him about his hometown of Feng Yuxiang and other patriotic generals legend, educate him to study hard, grow up in order not to suffer, be a promising person. Although his father’s teachings are simple, they are a light that guides Wen Zongren’s life journey. As the saying goes, love is the best teacher. Although because of young, not yet
冬春是平菇生产的旺季。根据广大菇农多年的习惯,料还没上,喷雾器早已准备好了,“养蘑菇就喷水,喷水才是养蘑菇”这几乎成了一个固定的公式。 其实不然,平菇在发菌期应要求