
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeximajor
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This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corrosion wastage on the ship hull of a double hull very large crude oil carrier. To calculate the ultimate bending moment capacity, along with the neutral axis position at the limit state, section modulus, and moment of inertia, the incremental-iterative method is employed. This paper also considered the residual strength checking criteria of ship hull and the ultimate stress behaviors of the representative structural elements. Then, Paik’s probabilistic corrosion, which employs two levels of corrosion rate and three different assumptions of coating life time, is applied to assess the corrosion effects. The calculation results obtained through relevant analyses are also presented. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of corrosion wastage on the ship hull of a double hull very large crude oil carrier. of inertia, the incremental-iterative method is employed. This paper also considers the residual strength checking criteria of ship hull and the ultimate stress behaviors of the representative structural elements. Then, Paik’s probabilistic corrosion, which offers two levels of corrosion rate and three different assumptions of coating life time, is applied to assess the corrosion effects.
几年前,去山西晋祠,见难老泉清澈流淌,水草悠悠荡漾,便觉“泉出乎地,地久泉俱久;水生于天,天长水也长。”难老泉,一定长流常新,不会老去,而老去的只是时间。 A few years ag
爆笑生活实录    “162天!162天!现在一年只要到校162天就可以了耶!”庄库同学兴高采烈地举着报纸破门而入。  贝卡竖起触角,瞪大眼睛盯着庄库:“酷仔,你的脑子坏了吧?”  “你脑子才坏了呢!”要在平时,庄库早就跳起来冲贝卡挥拳头了,可现在,只见庄库乐颠颠地拿起笔说:“我们现在的假期可多啦!我来给你算算看,为什么一年只要到校162天就可以了。”  双休:52×2=104(天)  假期: 1
回归性风湿病(palindromic rheumatism,以下略PR),1944年首先由Hench及Rosen berg报告,所谓回归性是反复性的意思。PR的临床特征,是以膝关节为主,其次是掌、指、足、肩等关
如果你有幸春天来到安徽砀山,请你可不要漏掉芒砀山。如果你想在三月到花海梨乡踏青,请你千万到安徽砀山来。  现在的砀山无山,一马平川,绿满大地,因何又称砀山呢?原来秦始皇统一中国后,砀郡乃三十六郡之一。原砀城在芒砀山的西麓。砀山便因此而得名。1952年,芒砀山划归河南永城县管辖。而砀山县隶属安徽宿县地区管辖。所以砀山境内便再无山。至今,还是砀山人民心中的一件憾事。  在芒砀山上最令人叹为观止的是21