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10日,国务院总理李鹏在全国加快第三产业发展工作会议上强调,加快第三产业是关系全局的重大任务。同日,新华社消息,国家科委和国家体改委最近决定,在沈阳、南京、哈尔滨、黄石、广州、大连、烟台和重庆八个城市将试行科技经济配套改革。14日,江泽民、李鹏题词祝贺中国运载火箭技术研究院成立35周年。勉励他们再接再厉,为发展我国航天高科技、振兴中华再立新功。17日,中日邦交正常化20周年庆祝大会在东京隆重举行,李鹏总理和日本首相宫泽分别电贺。18日.国务院副总理田纪云在全国加快发展中西部乡镇企业经验交流会上指出,要解放思想.抓住机遇,加快中西部地区乡镇企业的发展。19日,银河——Ⅱ10亿次巨型计算机研制成功,这标志着我国大型科学工程运算和大规模数据处理将有重大突破。江泽民、李鹏、朱镕基、刘华清等向科研人员表示祝贺。21日,首都各界人士在京隆重集会,纪念郭沫若诞辰100周年。李鹏在讲话中赞扬郭沫若是继鲁 On the 10th, Premier of the State Council Li Peng stressed at the work of accelerating the development of the tertiary industry in the entire country that accelerating the tertiary industry is a major task concerning the overall situation. On the same day, Xinhua News Agency, the State Science and Technology Commission and the State Commission of Economic Restructuring recently decided that the reform of science and technology and economy will be piloted in eight cities in Shenyang, Nanjing, Harbin, Yellowstone, Guangzhou, Dalian, Yantai and Chongqing. On the 14th, Jiang Zemin and Li Peng inspected the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. Encouraged them to redouble their efforts, for the development of China's aerospace high-tech, revitalize China and make new contributions. On the 17th, the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan was held ceremoniously in Tokyo. Premier Li Peng and Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa congratulated each other. On January 18, Vice Premier Tian Jiyun pointed out at the meeting on accelerating the development of township and town enterprises in the central and western regions that it is necessary to emancipate the mind, seize the opportunity and speed up the development of township and village enterprises in central and western regions. On the 19th, Galaxy - Ⅱ 10 billion times the successful development of giant computers, which marks the large-scale scientific computing operations and large-scale data processing will be a major breakthrough. Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Zhu Rongji and Liu Huaqing congratulated the researchers. On the 21st, people from all walks of life in the capital held a grand rally in Beijing to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Guo Moruo. In his speech, Li Peng praised Guo Moruo as the next leader
题目如图1中甲、乙两车沿互相垂直的轨道向其交点运动,甲车距交点16m,以2m/s 的初速度、1 m/s~2的加速度向交点做匀加速直线运动;乙车离交点12 m,以7 m/s 的速度向交点匀速
额镜检查法(亦称头镜检查法)是耳鼻咽喉科中一个基本检查方法。其他科如肿瘤科、神经内科、卫生专业等,因工作需要也要学习掌握这个检查法。今略介绍如下: Frontal examina
在卧式测长仪上,测量内螺纹中径多用比较法进行。标准螺纹规由两个侧块和块规组成,如图所示。侧块常数 a,b 是给定的。在右半部的侧块上需垫起一组块规,块规的数值等于被测