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河南洛宁县工业局改革经济管理体制,实行各种形式的经济责任制.从局长到一般干部和企业的书记、厂长、经理、工程师、会计以及其他管理人员,一律实行浮动工资.每月浮动基本工资的10%,上浮幅度不得超过工资总额的30%.工业局抽出大批人员,包厂搞好经济责任制,包厂干部(包括正副局长)和企业管理干部从企业执行承包合同之月起,每月由机关和企业扣除基本工资10%企业发生亏损,扣除部分不补发;企业有盈利,不仅享受向上浮动金额,还要补齐已扣除的工资.每三个月结算一次,包厂干部向上浮动的工资由企业支付. Henan Luoning County Industrial Bureau reform the economic management system, the implementation of various forms of economic responsibility system.From the Secretary to the general cadres and business secretary, director, manager, engineer, accountant and other managers, all floating wages. 10% of the basic wage, the rate of increase should not exceed 30% of the total wage. Industrial Bureau pulled out a large number of staff, Baotou do a good job economic responsibility system, including the cadres (including the deputy director) and enterprise management cadres from the implementation of the contract contract month , Every month by the government agencies and enterprises deduct 10% of the basic business losses, deductions are not part of the replacement; business profits, not only to enjoy the floating amount, but also to make up for the deducted wages. Once every three months settlement, The cadres’ upward floating salary is paid by the enterprise.
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摘要 血吸虫是一种雌雄异体的吸虫,其基因组较大,约270Mb了解血吸虫基因组,对理解血吸虫生物学、耐药机制和逃避宿主免疫系统的抗原变异非常重要。本文介绍了始于1992年的血
一、黄瓜△霜霉病 1.缺肥易助长本病发生,故应注意追肥。 2.过度中耕引起的断根会助长发病,应予注意。 3.进行整枝,使通风良好。 4.一旦确认发病,即用表1的药剂防治。△细菌
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