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王逸舟博士的著作《西方国际政治学:历史与理论》( 以下简称《西》) 一书,应该是中国学者对国际政治学研究的回应中较为全面、系统的撰著。其意义在于在完整、系统和忠实地阐释了西方国际政治理论的历史沿革与当代国际政治理论和流派的同时,又以中国学者的目光进行了冷静和机智的解读。它给笔者留下的感觉是,不仅开卷有益,而且还留下了思考的空间。此书确实是一本值得细细品味的“好书”。以笔者之陋见,如果欲对国际政治学作一全景式的立体观照,应该能将以下问题融为一体,给出一个圆满的答案。首先应告诉读者在国际政治学领域大师级的学者是些什么样的人? 他们的贡献何在;其次应将有重要影响的思想流派的理论脉络、分析框架一一道来;第三是使人们对国际政治学体系中,某些相对独立的分支有所了解;最后是提供相关的知识背景,使读者对上述问题回答的合理性给予认同并进而产生深刻的理解。假如笔者的这一说法能够成立的话,以此作为考量的依据,可以说这正是本书的成功之处。从全书的谋篇布局看,上篇写“史”,下篇论“道”,禀持“‘史’与‘论’结合、叙述与分析结合,‘史’要兼顾‘论’,‘论’以‘史’为线索”的原则,在纷繁的历史进程中和流派纷呈的众多理论中,从容梳理出国际政治 The book by Dr. Wang Yizhou, “Western International Politics: History and Theory” (hereinafter referred to as “West”), should be a more comprehensive and systematic essay by Chinese scholars in response to the study of international political science. The significance lies in the calm and witty interpretation of the Chinese scholar’s vision while explaining the historical evolution of Western international political theory and contemporary international political theory and genres in a complete, systematic and faithful manner. The feeling it left to the author was not only helpful, but also left room for thought. This book is really a “good book” worth savoring. In the author’s humble opinion, if you want to make a panoramic view of international political science three-dimensional view, should be able to integrate the following questions, gives a satisfactory answer. First of all should tell readers what kind of person is a master scholar in the field of international political science? What contribution they make; secondly, the theoretical framework and analytical framework of influential schools of thoughts should be followed; the third is to make people understand some relatively independent branches in the international political science system; and finally, to provide Relevant knowledge background, make the reader answer the above questions to the rationality of recognition and thus have a deep understanding. If the author of this statement can be established, as a basis for consideration, it can be said that this is the book’s success. According to the layout of the whole book, the first chapter is about “history”, the second part is about “Tao”, the last one is “history” and “theory”, the combination of narration and analysis, ’history’ ’With the’ history ’as the clue "principle, in the numerous historical process and the numerous theories of different genres, calmly comb out the international politics
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