Ecological water demand:the case of the slope systems in the East Liaohe River Basin

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alabo353
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The ecological water demand (EWD) is the least water amount required to maintain thestructure and the function of the special eco-system and the temporal scale of a study on the EWDmust be a season's time. Based on GIS and RS with the source information of hydrological data of46 hydrological gauges covering 52 years and the digital images of Landsat TM in 1986, 1996 and2000, the landscape patterns, precipitation and runoff in the East Liaohe River Basin were analyzed. The ecological water demand (EWD) is the least water amount required to maintain the structure and the function of the special eco-system and the temporal scale of a study on the EWDmust be a season's time. Based on GIS and RS with the source information of hydrological data of 46 hydrological gauges covering 52 years and the digital images of Landsat ™ in 1986, 1996 and 2000, the landscape patterns, precipitation and runoff in the East Liaohe River Basin were analyzed.
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<正> 为隆重纪念伟大的马克思主义者,中国共产党、中国人民解放军、中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领导人毛泽东诞辰100周年,中国人民大学于11月11日举行“毛泽东同志诞辰100周年纪念会暨毛泽东思想研讨会”。中宣部、国家教委、北京市委宣传部、市高教局、市教育工委等有关单位领导和中央文献研究室、中央党史研究室、中央党校、空军指挥学院等单位的毛泽东思想研究专家及中国人民大学的部分教师、学生代表共150余人参加会议。中国人民大学党委书记李文海同志在开幕式上发言。大会收到论文数十篇,内容涉及毛泽东思想
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要加快改革开放的步伐,思想要解放一点,要敢想、敢干、敢闯。本文论述了“实事求是”与“敢想敢闯”的关系,只有实事求是,才能充分发挥人的主观能动性。 To speed up the pa