Application of Grain Size Analysis to Study Sedimentary Environment of Sand Dune in the Vicinity of

来源 :Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchenyaya
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The average size of the sand of dune in the vicinity of Tumen River is 0.12~0.30 mm, its standard deviation is 0.45~0.99 φand the frequency cumulative distribution curve is divided into the single peak and the double peak. The Ski of the single peak is negative and the double peak is positive. There are two different areas in the plot of the Ski versus σ i .It is shown that the sedimentary environment of the dunes is neritic deposit by the expressions of the grain-size parameters. All of the characters show that the sand dunes in Estuary of Tumen River may be the dunes of sea facies which were changed again by weathering and fluvialaction. The average size of the sand of dune in the vicinity of Tumen River is 0.12-0.30 mm and its standard deviation is 0.45-0.99 and the frequency cumulative distribution curve is divided into the single peak and the double peak. The Ski of the single peak is negative and the double peak is positive. There are two different areas in the plot of the Ski versus σ i .It is shown that the sedimentary environment of the dunes is neritic deposit by the expressions of the grain-size parameters. All of the characters show that the sand dunes in Estuary of Tumen River may be the dunes of sea facies which were changed again by weathering and fluvialaction.
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