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鸡肉经脱水制成的成品,具有味道鲜美、便于携带和贮藏、蛋白质含量高、营养丰富的特点,是一种很有前途的方便优质食品。鸡肉干制品在国内主要有鸡肉松和鸡肉脯,现将其加工制作技术介绍如下: 一、鸡肉松的加工技术产品特点:肉纤维蓬松,肉色白、丝长,肉味清香鲜美。配料:每50公斤连骨鸡肉配食盐1.25公斤,砂糖2.2公斤,黄酒125克,老姜125克。煮制:将鸡肉下锅煮10~20分钟,撇去水面浮沫,焖煮3小时,前1小时为旺火,后2小时为文火。焖煮后将鸡肉捞出,剔骨和去尽油及筋,并将鸡肉撕碎,投入原锅再煮,煮沸后加入酒、盐,即进行撇浮油。在撇油时火力要小,煮1小时,同时加入白糖。再煮3.5小时, The finished product made from dehydrated chicken has the characteristics of delicious taste, easy to carry and store, high protein content and rich nutrition, and is a promising convenience high quality food. Dried chicken products in the country mainly chicken breast and chicken breast, and now its processing technology introduced as follows: First, the processing technology of chicken floss Features: meat fiber fluffy, white meat, long silk, tasty meat flavor. Ingredients: 50 kg of bone chicken with salt 1.25 kg, sugar 2.2 kg, 125 grams of rice wine, 125 grams of ginger. Cooking: cook the chicken under the pot 10 to 20 minutes, skim the water froth, simmer for 3 hours, 1 hour before the stir, 2 hours after the gentle fire. After stewing the chicken out, Eviscerate and go to do the oil and tendons, and shredded chicken, into the original pot and cook, add boiling after the wine, salt, that skim oil. In the skimming oil when the fire is small, cook for 1 hour, while adding sugar. Cook for 3.5 hours
本文利用计算机声卡作为数据采集卡,以LabVIEW 2010软件为开发平台,设计了一个数据采集分析系统,实现对外界声音信号的采集、存储、显示、滤波、时域和频域分析等功能。
本文采用分光光度法测定了小儿清热止咳口服液中麻黄碱的含量,结果稳定,回收率为97.28%,RSD=2.61% In this paper, the content of ephedrine in Xiaoer Qingre Zhike oral liquid was determi