According to our survey in Hainan Island in 1953, hookworm infection accounted for 78.75%. During the period from March to April 1957, the Institute found that hookworm infection reached 80.31% in the investigation of the 0145 unit. As a result, attention was drawn to the extent of infection and the spread of the hookworm from July to August of that year Survey, now the findings of the survey are as follows. Method of investigation The survey was conducted in conjunction with dysentery check. In addition to the survey object - a detachment survey, the rest are the cooking staff of the units and a history of dysentery or enteritis within a year. Inspection method is the use of fecal zinc sulfate floating method (with amoeba cyst examination carried out simultaneously), hookworm-positive person and then use the method of measuring the degree of infection of Hong-Lu’s eggs. In addition, key forces were also made hemoglobin determination, soil hookworm larvae separation and resident hookworm disease prevalence survey.