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以沿淮低洼地砂姜黑土为研究对象,研究玉米对淹水胁迫的反应及水淹程度的定量表达和耐淹阈值。试验在砂姜黑土原装土柱中进行,共设置6个处理,每个处理埋设相应的根袋,分别在六叶期和大喇叭口期进行淹水。淹水期间每天取2个根袋测定玉米植株养分含量和生物量;淹水结束后再统一取样进行相应的测定。结果显示,淹水对玉米生长影响很大,2个时期的生物量均随淹水时间的延长大幅度下降,营养元素(N、P、K)的吸收受到严重抑制,六叶期比大喇叭口期更敏感。六叶期处理间生物量与淹水时间呈极显著的(0.996*)抛物线关系。根据方程计算,减至对照50%生物量的淹水阈值约为3 d,这一结果和生物量与氮素含量或累积量的相关分析结果完全一致。淹水严重影响玉米生长、降低生物量、抑制养分的吸收。不同时期淹水只是影响程度不同。六叶期淹水其耐淹阈值约为3 d。 Taking Shajiang black soil in the low lying area along the Huaihe River as the research object, the response of maize to flooding stress and the quantitative expression of flooding degree and threshold value of flooding resistance were studied. The experiment was carried out in the original soil column of Shajiang black soil. A total of six treatments were set up. The corresponding root bags were planted in each treatment and flooded at the six-leaf stage and the big bell mouth stage respectively. During the flooding period, two root bags were taken to measure the nutrient content and biomass of maize plants. After the flooding, the samples were collected for the corresponding measurements. The results showed that flooding greatly affected the growth of maize. The biomass of two periods decreased significantly with the prolongation of flooding time, and the absorption of nutrients (N, P, K) was severely inhibited. Stomach more sensitive. The six-leaf stage biomass had a significant (0.996 *) parabola relationship with flooding time. According to the equation, the threshold of flooding reduced to 50% of the control biomass was about 3 d, which was in good agreement with the correlation analysis of biomass and nitrogen content or accumulation. Flooding seriously affects the growth of maize, reduces the biomass and inhibits the nutrient absorption. Flooding in different periods has only a different degree of influence. The six-leaf flooding threshold of flooding is about 3 d.
在当今这样一个多元并存的时代,具有古典写实风格特征的艺术作品依然有其广泛的受众面。  福州路一直被视作上海的文化街,但近些年来文化气息淡薄了,要说有文化,也顶多算文化用品一条街,而且假冒伪劣产品不少。好在有关方面还是珍惜这张文化名片的,3月底,福州路655号原黄浦区图书馆内的春美术馆落成,应该说明了这个用心的体现。春美术馆是艺术家赵春从区政府方面获得支持而打造的,开馆展《视觉春语——赵春艺术个展》
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摘 要:石油是国家经济发展的重要支柱,被称为“黑色的金子”。随着我国经济不断发展,石油在当今社会中的作用越来越明显,要加强石油管理建设,保证我国经济又好又快的发展。就要通过提高石油工程项目管理水平,来提升我国石油产业的整体质量。  关键词:石油 石油产业 项目管理 提高  近年来,我国石油产业出现了新的特点与问题,为了使石油产业更好地服务于现代化建设,要对石油产业进行现代化改革。石油工程项目管理时