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各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 现将省政府办公厅《转发国务院办公厅关于进一步做好向企业传达贯彻国家方针政策工作的通知》(粤府办[2001]52号)转发给你们,经市人民政府同意,提出如下意见,请一并贯彻执行: 一、向市属企业发送文件、传达国务院、省及市政府的有关重要会议和文件精神以及市属企业参加市政府的会议,均按现行规定执行,各有关方面务必抓好落实。二、国务院、国务院各部门,省政府、省政府各部门制定的需要企业贯彻执行的政策规定,一律抄送市经委、外经贸局和市直机关工委。凡涉及企业经营管理业务方面的政策规定,由市经委负责传达到市属各企业;涉及外经贸方面的政策规定,由市外经贸局负责传达到市属各企业。三、市政府各部门制定的需要市属企业贯彻执行的政策规定,应同时抄送给市属各企业。四、关于如何向区属企业传达贯彻国务院、省、市的有关文件精神和政策规定问题,请各区、县级市人民政府根据实际情况制定具体办法,确保国家有关方针政策及时传达到企业。广州市人民政府办公厅二○○一年七月十一日 The people’s governments of all districts and county-level cities, and the units directly under the municipal government: The General Office of the Provincial Government is now forwarding the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Further Communicating Work on the Implementation of State Policies and Policies to Enterprises (Guangdong Office [2001] No. 52). Forwarded to you, with the consent of the Municipal People’s Government, put forward the following opinions, please implement them together: 1. Send documents to municipal enterprises, convey the spirit of the important meetings and documents of the State Council, the provincial and municipal governments, and the participation of municipal enterprises in the municipal government. The meetings are implemented in accordance with the current regulations, and all relevant parties must implement them properly. 2. The policies and regulations formulated by various departments of the State Council and the State Council, departments of the provincial government and the provincial government that require the implementation of the enterprise shall be copied to the Municipal Economic and Trade Commission, the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Municipal Working Committee. All policies and regulations related to the business management of enterprises shall be transmitted by the Municipal Economic Commission to all enterprises in the municipality. Policies concerning foreign trade and economic cooperation shall be transmitted by the Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to all municipal enterprises. 3. The policies and regulations formulated by the various departments of the municipal government for the implementation of the municipal enterprises shall be copied to the municipal enterprises. Fourth, on how to convey to the affiliated enterprises the implementation of the State Council, the province, and the city’s relevant document spirits and policy requirements, the district and county-level municipal people’s governments are required to formulate specific measures based on actual conditions to ensure that relevant national policies and policies are communicated to the enterprises in a timely manner. Office of the People’s Government of Guangzhou City July 11, 2001
<正> 在我国北方地区冬季排风量大的车间,尤其在有毒或易燃易爆的厂房内,送风补热时不允许空气再循环,室外冷风被加热后送到车间,又从排风系统直接将大量含有余热的废气排到
月饼象征着团圆,是中秋佳节必食之品。在节日之夜,人们还爱吃些西瓜、葡萄、柚子等团圆的果品,祈祝家人生活美满、甜蜜、平安。 Mooncake symbolizes the reunion, is the M