,Temperature-Induced Plasma Frequency Shift in Bi2Te3 and CuxBi2Se3

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jake9
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We present an optical spectroscopy study on Bi2Se3,Bi2 Te3,Sn-doped Bi2Te3 and Cu-intercalated Bi2Se3 crystals grown by self-melting.We find that the plasma edge of Bi2Se3 slightly shifts to lower energy with decreasing temperature.The Cu-intercalated Bi2Se3 shows a superconducting transition near 3.1 K.Optical spectroscopy measurement shows that the plasma edge shifts substantially to higher frequency 1250 cm-1 indicating that Cudoping supplies extra electrons to the system and further shifts the chemical potential up.Furthermore,our measurement reveals that the plasma edge of Bi2 Te3,Sn doped Bi2Tea-δSnδ(δ =0.67%) and Cu-intercalated Bi2Se3 shift slightly to higher energies with decreasing temperature.Combined with the band calculation,we attribute the blue-shift primarily to the reduction of effective mass of carriers with decreasing temperature.The optical data yield useful information about the bulk electronic band structure of the superconducting doped topological insulator Cux Bi2Se3 (x=0.14).
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