A Study on the Feminist Consciousness of Shakespeare in the Taming of the Shrewd

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  【Abstract】There are thousands of female characters created by Shakespeare. Compared with those wonderful female characters that have the distinct awakening feminist spirit such as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, Cordilia in King Lear, Portia in the Merchant of Venice, Catherine in the Taming of the Shrewd is quite different and special. In this paper, I will analyze the personalities of the heroine and combine the religion, culture and social position of women to illustrate the feminist consciousness of Shakespeare.
  【Key words】Shakespeare; feminist consciousness; religion
  As the forerunner of the British realistic tradition and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist, Shakespeare guided people to cherish one’s value, dignity and power through his everlasting works. Unlike other plays, The Taming of the Shrewd draws a lot of critics for its patriarchal features. But if we put ourselves back to his time, we will reach to the real purpose of Shakespeare.
  From the perspective of the social position of women, in the age of Elizabeth, there was no special law for women’s position. But we can get some details from other codes such as marriage, heritage and land-use right. Women shared almost the same social position as men did before they got married. While, after their marriage, all of their legal properties including themselves would belong to part of their husbands’ properties. What’s worse, if a woman could not get married for some reasons, she would be encouraged to go to abbey. Her legal property would be taken away by church. Either belonged to their husbands or the church, women did not have the right to choose.
  Religion was a huge pressure put on women’s shoulders. In 16th century, although the reformation started bringing various changes for the whole society, the regulations and attitude towards women stayed the same. It was believed that women were the daughters of Eve and possessed the sinful bodies aiming to seduce men to indulge in sexual proclivities. Such concept was widely accepted even by women themselves. Objectively speaking, the new reformer did bring about some changes to the women’s social positions. Women even had the opportunity to receive education. Nonetheless, that didn’t break the inferiority of women because the ultimate goal was to make them more obedient.
  Besides, in Shakespeare’s time, the audiences were mostly from the lower class. They watched the play only for entertainment rather than appreciating Shakespeare’s talent and wisdom. Once they felt the play went against their stomach, they booed to the actors and actress and made a huge mess so that the play could not go on. So the ending of the Taming of the Shrewd that Catherine is finally reduced to a slave to her husband and becomes a model woman in her town is acceptable and justified.   1. A mockery of patriarchy
  Shakespeare structured the Taming of the Shrewd into a play-within-a-play. In the prelude, the nobleman plays tricks on a drunken tinker, making him believe he is a noble and he has been dreaming for past fifteen years. The nobleman does everything to make him believe, including helping the tinker bath, dress, calling him master, and even putting a play for him. In that “play”, Peter uses the similar trick to tame Catherine. Shakespeare wrote through a funny way to describe a series of exaggerated characteristics and actions of Peter. In fact, Shakespeare was satirizing the patriarchy of his time in an unnoticeable way.
  2. Rebellious Catherine
  Catherine was characterized as a traditional shrewd who is always rude, aggressive and never submits. However, the reason for her wild nature is that she does not want her marriage to be arranged and to be manipulated randomly like a puppy. When her father offers abundant dowry to whoever wants to marry her, she completely goes mad. Because she knows that if a woman can not realize how to resist, she will be treated like a fool for her whole life. Although in the end she becomes mild and obedient, she actually is equipped with awakening feminist spirit. The ending of Catherine is only designed to cater to the audiences’ preference.
  3. Conclusion
  Whether Shakespeare is a defender or a protester of patriarchy is quite controversial among the critics. From those two female characters in the Taming of the Shrewd, we can see the feminist consciousness of Shakespeare. He shows to the whole world that women should have the same independent personality and dignity.
【摘要】多年来,应试教育在人们的脑海中根深蒂固,尤其是农村小学英语教学中还存在诸多的问题:传统的教学观念仍未消除,“翻译式”、“满堂灌”的教学方式仍然存在,学生主动参与教学过程的积极性不高,课堂上实践的机会少,语言交际能力得不到大面积的提高。因此本文主要就是分析小学英语教学中的薄弱环节,探讨相应的对策来促进教育事业的可持续发展。  【关键词】小学英语;薄弱环节;对策研究  【作者简介】沈巧芬,宁夏
【摘要】语音是英语中最基本的元素,在英语教学中的重要地位不言而喻。英语中的听、说、读、写都离不开语音。语音关是英语教学的第一关,对语音知识的掌握程度直接影响着学生的听力水平、阅读理解水平及写作水平。因此语音教学尤为重要,本文结合目前农村初中英语语音教学的现状,探讨提高语音教学效率的策略。  【关键词】初中英语;语音教学;策略  【作者简介】李军红,甘肃省通渭县李店中学。  语音、词汇、语法是语言的
【摘要】随着最新版高中英语课程标准的落地执行,英语核心素养成了众多高中英语教师、学生、家长口中的热门词汇,这一理念的核心内涵究竟是什么,如何渗透进高中英语教学中是每一位英语教师的教学重点。高中英语教师首先要对英语核心素养进行解读,把握英语核心素养的四大内涵,他们分别是语言能力、思维品质、文化品格、学习能力,英语教师要把这四大理念渗透在教学中。  【关键词】高中英语;核心素养;阅读教学;教学策略  
【摘要】 英语作为全球使用最为广泛的语言,在各个领域都发挥着重要的作用。现代社会的多元发展对学生的英语水平提出了更高的要求,而初中的英语课程便成为学生学习英语的主要途径,旨在培养学生对英语的认识了解和运用能力,促进学生的思维发展,从而更直接有效地获取信息。“微课”是基于互联网发展所出现的新型教学模式,它为初中英语教学方法注入了新的活力,不仅能够显著地提升教师的教学质量,而且也能提高学生的英语综合素
【摘要】面对如何提高英语学习有效性与持续性的问题,提出用思维导图来帮助学生发散思维、理清思路、抓住关键、提高效率。并罗列出思维导图的8个种类以及在英语学习不同方面的运用。  【关键词】有效性;长效性;思维导图  【作者简介】汤玲玲(1986.11- ),女,本科,安徽省滁州市会峰小学。  引言:思维导图是表达发散性思维的一种特别有效的思维工具。运用图文并重的技巧开启人类的无限潜能。在英语学习中可以
【摘要】初三阶段的复习是初中英语教学的关键环节,而学生听力的提高也是我们教学的重点之一,不管是为了让学生在中考中取得优异的成绩还是为了紧紧追随新的教学目标,听力的教学都是极其重要的一部分。  【关键词】毕业班教学;初三英语;听力训练  【作者简介】支海荣,江苏淮安涟水县红日中学。  美国的教学法专家Riversw-perlyMS统计过,“听”实际上在人类社会交往中占据百分之四十的比例,而语言家Hy
【摘要】阅读对于人生的发展和进步极为重要,通过阅读能够有效提升学生的综合能力。亲子共读作为阅读的一种形式,当前正逐渐受到年轻父母的认可,并且在子女图书和绘本方面投入了大量的金钱和时间。亲子共读除了可以有效培养子女的学习兴趣之外,还能够使得子女的口语表达和思维能力得到显著提升。所以本文尝试分析亲子共读对于学生阅读习惯养成的重要促进作用,并探讨如何有效开展亲子共读活动。  【关键词】亲子共读;阅读习惯
【摘要】中职英语新课标提出英语的工具性作用,强调英语知识的实用性,而当前英语教育存在重讲轻练和学非所用等问题。产出导向法提倡学服务于用,目前多用于大学教学中。通过将产出导向法与主流口语教学法进行比较,总结其优越性,以探讨其对中职口语教学的适用性。以产出导向法为理论指导,中职英语新课标为实践标准,进行教学实践,探索中职英语口语课堂的教学新模式,并提出参考建议。  【关键词】产出导向法;中职生;英语口