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出版于1984年的《英华大词典》(修订第二版)较之旧版有很大的充实、更新和改进,这在新版前言和评论文章中多有提及,此不赘述。本文专研讨笔者在多年使用中所发现的新版在收词、注音、标注、译义、设例、体例等方面的一些不足之处,以供词典再版时参考。(一)收词当今英语新词增长迅猛,词典新版时自然首先考虑新词的收录,对于《英华》来说,数十年没有再版,且84年版以增补充实为旨,收录新词便极其必要。然而,收词既需大胆,也要慎重,即应考虑词典的篇幅与对象,避免收词失衡。新版《英华》却收有一 Published in 1984, “IACL Dictionary” (revised second edition) than the old version has a lot of enrichment, updating and improvement, which is more in the new preface and commentary articles mentioned, not repeat them. This article specializes in the author found in many years of use of the new version of the word, phonetic, callouts, transliteration, set examples, methods and other aspects of some of the deficiencies for reference when the dictionary reprint. (A) collection of words The rapid growth of today’s new English words, the new version of the dictionary when the first new word naturally included, for the “Iowa”, there is no reprint for decades, and 84 years to supplement and enrichment for the purpose of incorporating new words will Extremely necessary. However, the collected words need to be bold, but also cautious, that is, should consider the length of the dictionary and objects to avoid imbalance of income words. The new version of “Iowa” has received one
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