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散射光技术是研究聚合物科学的有力工具 [1 ] .近年来 ,人们尝试将散射光技术应用于核酸和蛋白质的测定 [2~ 4] ,获得了极高的测定灵敏度 ,为生物化学和临床分析中微量生物大分子的测定开辟了一条新途径 .苯甲天青 (Benzoazurine,BA)是一种常用的生物染色剂 ,由于其分子结构中 Scattered light technology is a powerful tool for the study of polymer science [1]. In recent years, people have tried to apply the technique of scattering light to the determination of nucleic acids and proteins [2-4], obtained extremely high sensitivity for biochemistry and clinical A new approach has been opened up for the analysis of trace biomacromolecules, Benzoazurine (BA), a commonly used biological stain, due to its molecular structure
<正> 金沙江是长江的正源,流经青海、四川(原西康省)云南等省,至四川的宜宾与岷江会流后,始称长江。从源头到宜宾,河流长约2,700公里,约占长江全部长度的一半;流域面积480,00
Dynamic behaviors on polyacrylic acid (PAA) gels and mass (small molecules) transports in the gels have been studied mainly by dynamic light scattering (DLS).
Self-ordering of the cell arrangement of the anodic porous alumina was prepared in oxalic acid solution at a constant potential of 40V and at a temperature of 2
A novel polypeptide having stimulant effect on some cell proliferation was isolated from the velvet antler (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus). The velvet antler polypep
为使独立学院会计学专业会计教学与企事业单位的实际工作流程能够很好地衔接,培养市场和社会急需的应用型会计人才,需建立一套适合独立学院自身特点的实践教学体系。 In ord