
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinouser
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Background: Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Patients with limited patch and/or plaque disease have a normal life expectancy. Neutrophilic dermatosis (ND) may be associated with various hematologic disorders. However, its association with CTCL is exceptional and has been reported only twice with leukemic forms of CTCL. Observations: Three patients with MF developed ND resistant to conventional therapies and responsible for an impaired quality of life due to constitutional symptoms and painful cutaneous lesions. All patients underwent an aggressive treatment course despite their varying initial clinical stages of MF, and all experienced a fatal outcome less than 18 months after the onset of ND. Conclusions: The association of MF with ND is exceptional and carries a poor prognosis, but the pathophysiologic nature of this association remains unclear. It may involve neutrophil chemoattractant cytokine production by tumor cells. A triggering role of interferon alfa is also possible. Background: Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common type of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Patients with limited patch and / or plaque disease have a normal life expectancy. Neutrophilic dermatosis (ND) may be associated with various hematologic disorders. However, its association with CTCL is exceptional and has been reported only twice with leukemic forms of CTCL. Observations: Three patients with MF developed ND resistant to conventional therapies and responsible for an impaired quality of life due to constitutional symptoms and painful cutaneous lesions. All patients underwent an aggressive treatment course despite their varying initial clinical stages of MF, and all experienced a fatal outcome less than 18 months after the onset of ND. Conclusions: The association of MF with ND is exceptional and carries a poor prognosis, but the pathophysiologic Nature of this association remains unclear. It may involve neutrophil chemoattractant cytokine production by tumor cells. A triggerin g role of interferon alfa is also possible.
42CrMo钢在人造海水中的应力腐蚀是具有氢脆性的。通过亚温淬火,使其得到马氏体加少量铁素体的组织,可改善氢致开裂敏感性。 42CrMo steel in artificial sea water stress
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