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该品种是河北省石家庄地区农科所育成。其亲本组合是邢台6871×(晋68-389×辽632-125)F_4。1990年通过河北省预审定,并被列为河北省重点推广品种。当年推广面积40余万亩。产量表现1 987~1988年参加黄河流域棉花品种区试,两年平均籽棉、皮棉、霜前皮棉均居首位,比冀棉8号分别增产9.2%、14.1%和18.5%。1989年参加黄河流域麦套棉棉花品种区试,平均籽棉、皮棉、霜前皮棉仍均居第一,分别比对照中棉12增产20%、18.9%和17.7%。1988年在肥乡县种植150亩,平均亩 The breed is bred in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. The parental combination is Xingtai 6871 × (Jin 68-389 × Liao 632-125) F_4.1990 years passed the draft forecast, and was listed as key varieties of Hebei Province. Year to promote an area of ​​more than 40 acres. Yield performance From 1987 to 1988 to participate in the Yellow River cotton varieties regional test, two-year average of seed cotton, lint, frost lint ranked the first place, respectively, compared with the Ji Mian 8 increased 9.2%, 14.1% and 18.5%. In 1989, in the regional trial of wheat cotton varieties in the Yellow River Basin, the average number of seed cotton, lint, and lint before the frost were still the highest, respectively, which were 20%, 18.9% and 17.7% higher than that of the CK1. In 1988, 150 acres of planted in Feixiang County, the average mu
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植物的形态建成是由细胞的不确定性与细胞命运的决定性之间的平衡来决定。分生组织和有多向分化功能的干细胞都具有不确定性,是侧生器官产生的基础。本研究鉴定到一个分生组织确定性与不确定性平衡上存在缺陷的玉米突变体,在叶片和茎细胞中不确定性细胞减少,突变体的花序分生组织顶端扁化,失去对侧生分生组织不确定性的控制。通过图位克隆的方法确定一个生长调节共转录激活因子GROWTH REGULATING FACTOR
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