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改革开放十八年来,在党的基本路线指引下,我国的社会主义精神文明建设不断取得进展,主流是好的。但是,由于国际国内历史条件的不利因素和某些工作失误,精神文明建设也出现了一些新的矛盾和问题,其中有的矛盾和问题还是比较严重的。在正确估量精神文明建设形势的基础上,认真总结十八年来特别是近几年来我们党领导精神文明建设的基本经验,对于进一步加强新形势下的精神文明建设是很有必要的。 回顾十八年来党对精神文明建设的领导工作,首先应该明确肯定,改革开放和现代化建设新时期一开始,以邓小平同志为核心的第二代中央领导集体就形成了两个文明一起抓的战略方针。1978年12月召开的党的十一届三中全会的最伟大的功绩之一,就是在把党的工作中心转移到社会主义现代 In the 18 years since the reform and opening up, under the guidance of the party’s basic line, we have made steady progress in building the socialist spiritual civilization in our country. The mainstream is good. However, due to unfavorable factors in international and domestic historical conditions and some mistakes in work, some new contradictions and problems have emerged in the building of spiritual civilization. Some of the contradictions and problems are still serious. On the basis of correctly gauging the situation of spiritual civilization construction, it is necessary to conscientiously sum up the basic experience of our party in leading the spiritual civilization construction over the past 18 years, especially in recent years. It is necessary to further strengthen the spiritual civilization under the new situation. Recalling the Party’s leadership over the building of spiritual civilization over the past 18 years, we must first make it clear that at the very beginning of the new period of reform, opening up and modernization, the second generation of the central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the core has formed a strategy of combining two civilizations policy. One of the greatest achievements of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee held in December 1978 is the transfer of the party’s work center to the socialist modern times
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ONE day in 1989, Dr. Xu Lianzhi received laboratory test result from a man over 50, which clearly showed that he had the AIDS virus. This man was Dr. Xu’s fir
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