Ion Channel Genes and Epilepsy:Functional Alteration,Pathogenic Potential,and Mechanism of Epilepsy

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenshibing
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Ion channels are crucial in the generation and modulation of excitability in the nervous system and have been implicated in human epilepsy. Forty-one epilepsyassociated ion channel genes and their mutations are systematically reviewed. In this paper, we analyzed the genotypes, functional alterations(funotypes), and phenotypes of these mutations. Eleven genes featured loss-offunction mutations and six had gain-of-function mutations.Nine genes displayed diversified funotypes, among which a distinct funotype-phenotype correlation was found in SCN1A. These data suggest that the funotype is an essential consideration in evaluating the pathogenicity of mutations and a distinct funotype or funotype-phenotype correlation helps to define the pathogenic potential of a gene. Ion channels are crucial in the generation and modulation of excitability in the nervous system and have been implicated in human epilepsy. Forty-one epilepsyassociated ion channel genes and their mutations are systematically reviewed. In this paper, we analyzed the genotypes, functional alterations (funotypes ), and phenotypes of these mutations. Eleven genes featured loss-offunction mutations and six had gain-of-function mutations. Nine genes displayed diversified funotypes, among which a distinct funotype-phenotype correlation found in SCN1A. These data suggest that the funotype is an essential consideration in evaluating the pathogenicity of mutations and a distinct funotype or funotype-phenotype correlation helps to define the pathogenic potential of a gene.
1 材料为1成年男尸.2 奇静脉 单支型.由左、右腰升静脉在第12胸椎前汇合而成.沿脊柱前方正中线的左侧上行,至第4胸椎平面弯向右前,汇入上腔静脉.左侧第1~4肋间静脉汇成一干,于
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