
来源 :电机电器技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binics
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一、价值工程定义 价值工程致力于研究对象的使用价值和耗费之间的最佳匹配。在满足使用者和社会、经济客观要求的条件下,用最少的消耗研究和确定对象的必要功能,进行设计并付诸实施,以获得最佳的经济效果。将价值工程应用于职工教育,就是以最低的总投入经费,可靠地实现被培养对象必须掌握的尽可能多的专业知识和技能,并利用这些知识和技能可靠地取得尽可能多的工作成绩。 二、价值工程与被培养对象必须掌握的知识技能的辩证关系 职教工作的价值与培养对象必须掌握的专业知识和技术熟练程度以及所投入的教育经费三者之间的关系将相互产生如下效应。 First, the definition of value engineering Value engineering is devoted to the best match between the use value and cost of the research object. Under the conditions of satisfying users and social and economic requirements, the necessary functions of the subject are studied and determined with the least consumption, and the design is performed and put into practice to obtain the best economic effect. To apply value engineering to employee education is to use the lowest total investment to reliably achieve as much professional knowledge and skills as the object must be trained, and use these knowledge and skills to reliably obtain as much work achievement as possible. Second, the dialectical relationship between value engineering and the knowledge and skills that must be mastered by the object of training The relationship between the value of professional education work and the professional knowledge and technical proficiency that must be acquired by the training object and the educational funds invested will produce the following effects. .
wǒ yuàn yì dānɡ yí ɡè chánɡ jiǔ de zhōnɡ shí yú shēnɡ huó de  我 愿 意 当 一 个 长 久 的 忠 实 于 生 活 的  lǚ xínɡ zhě wǒ zài dà shān hé hǎi yánɡ zhī jiān xínɡ zǒu wǒ  旅 行 者。 我 在 大 山 和 海 洋 之 间 行 走 , 我  kuà ɡuò shān
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二、听从教导,虚心求教 1.听从长辈的教导要虚心,并认真按长辈的教导去做 有些孩子很不虚心,家长一说就顶嘴,甚至说“您懂什么!”“甭跟我来这套!”;有的孩子听家长的话很不耐
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目的 探讨明胶海绵颗粒栓塞支气管动脉分支加血管栓塞胶栓塞支气管动脉主干治疗大咯血的临床价值.方法采用Seldinger技术,行超选择性支气管动脉栓塞治疗,栓塞材料先用1 mm×1 mm×1 mm的明胶海绵颗粒,待血流缓慢或停止后,用血管栓塞胶(D-TH)栓塞供血主干.常规行患侧锁骨下动脉、肋间动脉及对侧支气管动脉造影,以了解有无多支动脉供血,发现供血血管则尽量行超选择插管栓塞治疗.结果 20例均1