
来源 :天津建设科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:EchoChina
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天津市地处渤海湾,属于沿海地区,其表层土从成因年代上看,多属于沉积土,而且形成的年代较短,故土质较松软,属软土地基范畴。局部地区杂填土较厚,这就使建筑物在其软土地基上产生较大的沉降变形及变形差,同时通过计算所得到的沉降变形量与建筑物的实际变形量差异又很大,这就导致在结构设计时很难准确地控制建筑物的沉降量。近些年来砖混结构由于基础的沉降不均导致砌体开裂现象又较频繁,所以应引起我们设计单位和施工单位的足够认识,对砖?昆结构由于沉降不均使砌体开裂的发生部位、原因及处理方法,我们谈谈粗浅的看法,愿与同行商榷,若有不当,诚望指正。 1、裂缝发生的部位 对砖混结构,由于基础变形不均导致砌体开裂 Tianjin is located in the Bohai Bay and belongs to the coastal area. The topsoil of the area is considered to be sedimentary soil in terms of genesis. It is formed in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, the soil is soft and soft, and it belongs to the category of soft soils. In some areas, the thick soil is filled with miscellaneous soil, which causes the building to have large settlement deformation and poor deformation on its soft soil foundation. At the same time, the settlement deformation obtained by calculation is different from the actual deformation of the building. This makes it difficult to accurately control the settlement of a building during structural design. In recent years, the masonry cracking phenomenon of brick-concrete structure due to uneven foundation settlement is frequent, so it should cause sufficient understanding of our design unit and construction unit, and the occurrence site of masonry cracking due to uneven settlement of brick and concrete structures. , reasons and treatment methods, we talk about shallow ideas, and would like to discuss with peers, if wrong, sincerely look forward to correct me. 1. The location of cracks In brick-concrete structures, masonry cracking occurs due to uneven foundation deformation
网络并不是洪水猛兽,家长不需要谈网色变。在我们掌握主动权的同时,只要能够尊重孩子,孩子就会非常乐意接受所提的要求,并按照要求去做。 Network is not a scourge, parent
原发性多发颅内肿瘤,是指在同一期内或先后发现两个以上同性质及不同性质、互不连接的原发性肿瘤。CT应用以来,作者在院内院外遇到5例,全部均 经手术及病理检查证实诊断,现
我院自1984~1990年共收治眼部带状疱疹14例,简要报道如下: 14例中,男10例,女4例;11~21岁1例,21~30岁3例,41~50岁2例,51~60岁7例,61岁以上2例。侵犯三叉神经第一支者6例,侵犯第一
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钓鱼台的春天,格外美丽。  历时两年,凝聚百余位领导、专家、学者心血的我国民营经济第一部大型纪实体史志性文献《中国优秀民营企业家大典.国家卷》3月27日在北京钓鱼台国宾馆隆重发行。  国家有关领导人、专家、学者等对这部大典非常重视。全国人大常委会副委员长周铁农、全国政协副主席、全国工商主席黄孟复担任《中国优秀民营企业家大典》总顾问,著名经济学家厉以宁为专家顾问,周铁农、厉以宁分别为《中国优秀民营企
通过对烟囱施工中所用提升桁架所受荷状况及支承方式的分析,提出了提升桁架的力学模型,并且精确地分析了提升桁架的内力,对提升桁架的结构设计提出了改进建议 By analyzing the
介绍压力灌浆应用到钢筋砼结构乃至于地基基础补强加固的工程中,并指出压力灌浆法对加固工程施工中的优越性。 This paper introduces the application of pressure grouting