建立民生幸福档案 促进幸福广东建设

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近年来,广东省档案局组织全省各级档案部门积极行动,按照国家档案局的总体部署与安排,以“建立民生幸福档案,促进幸福广东建设”主题实践活动为载体,把服务民生作为工作目标,部署工作任务,整合各类民生档案资源,创新服务手段,使档案工作的成果更多体现到服务民生、改善民生上来。我们的主要做法是:一、以主题实践活动为载体,整合民生档案工作关注民生,关心民意,跟踪经济社会发展有关民生民意的重点热点问题提供档案服务,努力实现“全民建档,全民用档”的目标,是广东开展民生档案工作的指导思想。2011年,我省提出“民生幸福档案”概念, In recent years, the Guangdong Provincial Archives Bureau has organized the archives departments at all levels in the province to take proactive actions. According to the overall arrangement and arrangement of the State Archives Bureau, the “Livelihood Habits and Files” and the “ As a working target, the deployment of tasks, integration of various types of livelihood files and resources, innovative service tools, so that the results of the file more reflected in the service to people’s livelihood and improve people’s livelihood. Our main approach is: First, the theme of practical activities as a carrier, the integration of people’s livelihood files focus on people’s livelihood, care about public opinion, tracking economic and social development of people’s livelihood and public opinion on the key hot issues to provide archiving services, and strive to achieve ” File “goal, Guangdong is to carry out the work of the people’s livelihood file guiding ideology. In 2011, our province proposed the concept of ”people’s livelihood happiness files"
(12月8日)为进一步推动“侨批档案”申报世界记忆亚太地区名录工作,省“侨批档案”申报世界记忆亚太地区名录工作领导小组在省档案馆召开了 (December 8) In order to furth
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真是晴天的霹雳,在南台的宴会席上,忽而听到了鲁迅的死! 发出了几封电报,荟萃了一夜行李,第二天我就匆匆跳上了开往上海的轮船。 22日上午10时船靠了岸,到家洗一个澡,吞了两
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