
来源 :中华地方病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Monking
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目的:对比分析韩国和日本新型冠状病毒肺炎的流行特征及防控措施,为疫情防控提供参考。方法:收集韩国中央灾难安全对策本部、日本厚生劳动省等官方网站及韩国和日本的权威媒体信息,进行疫情流行特征及防控措施分析。结果:韩国于2020年1月20日出现首例病例,流行高峰出现较早(2月底)。韩国政府采取积极查找、隔离、检测和治疗每个病例,并追踪每个接触者的防控措施,4月初使疫情得到控制。日本于2020年1月16日出现首例病例,流行高峰出现较晚(4月初)。日本政府通过向全国发布“紧急事态宣言”,呼吁民众避免不紧急不必要的外出,尽量居家,要求商家采取停业措施,5月初使疫情得到控制,但在6月底,疫情呈现反弹趋势。结论:韩国和日本两国疫情总体流行水平较低,部分防治经验值得研究吸纳,尤其韩国防治模式更需进一步追踪观察和研究。“,”Objective:By analyzing epidemic characteristics and prevention and control measures of Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in South Korea and Japan, to provide reference for prevention and control of the epidemic.Methods:Information on COVID-19 from official websites of the South Korea Central Disaster Safety Management Headquarters and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan as well as authoritative media in South Korea and Japan, were collected and used to analyze the epidemic characteristics and prevention and control measures.Results:The first confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported in South Korea on January 20, 2020. The epidemic peak occurred early in South Korea at the end of February. The South Korean government controlled the epidemic in early April by active searching, quarantine, testing and treating every case and traced every contacted person. In Japan, the first confirmed case was reported on January 16, 2020. The epidemic peak occurred late in Japan in early April. The Japanese government controlled the epidemic in early May by adopting containment measures that issued a “Declaration of Emergency” to the whole country, calling on the public to avoid unnecessary and urgent travel, staying at home, and asking businesses to close down. But at the end of June, the epidemic of Japan rebounded.Conclusion:The epidemic situation in South Korea and Japan is generally at a low level, and some prevention and control experiences are worth study and absorption, especially the prevention and control mode in South Korea needs further follow-up observation and study.
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